Petronella McGovern’s dream of becoming a fiction author comes true

Petronella McGovern came to the Australian Writers’ Centre hoping to prioritise her fiction writing. She had always wanted to publish a novel but was struggling to find the time and motivation to keep writing. Now, her debut novel Six Minutes has just been published by Allen & Unwin, and she spends her mornings writing fiction, working on her next novel.
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AWC graduate Anna Johnston scores a two-book deal

​​Anna Johnston started telling stories at a young age, writing plays and short films for her parents as a child. But she left her storytelling passion behind when she went into healthcare and started her family. A course at the Australian Writers’ Centre changed that, reigniting her love of creative writing, and Anna is now celebrating the publication of her debut novel The Borrowed Life of Frederick Fife, in a two-book deal with Penguin Random House.

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Q&A: ‘Podium’ vs ‘dais’

Each week here at the Australian Writers’ Centre, we dissect and discuss, contort and retort, ask and gasp at the English language and all its rules, regulations and ridiculousness. It’s a celebration of language, masquerading as a passive-aggressive whinge about words and weirdness. This week, we’re winning ways… Q: Hi

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Furious Fiction: July 2024 Story Showcase

Welcome to July’s Furious Fiction story showcase – where we all get to crowd atop the podium of prose and raise the flag of creativity. The prompts for this month’s challenge were: Your story must take place at a sporting/competitive event.  Your story must include something shaking. Your story must

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WIN ‘Hard Copy’ by Fien Veldman

This week, we’re giving away three copies of Hard Copy by Fien Veldman. Hard Copy is a compelling workplace novel about a girl whose growing obsession with her office printer highlights the monotony and mental strain of corporate life, blending witty, unhinged narration with insightful commentary on the nature of

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Q&A: ‘Pigeons’ vs ‘doves’

Each week here at the Australian Writers’ Centre, we dissect and discuss, contort and retort, ask and gasp at the English language and all its rules, regulations and ridiculousness. It’s a celebration of language, masquerading as a passive-aggressive whinge about words and weirdness. This week, pigeon-holed… Q: Hi AWC, a

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Writing Podcast Episode 612: Meet Petronella McGovern, author of ‘The Last Trace’, on how to build narrative tension and keep readers turning the page.

Meet Petronella McGovern, author of The Last Trace. Petronella shares her top 5 tips on creating narrative tension and so that readers keep turning the page. You’ll discover techniques on character development, the challenges of editing, writing cliffhangers, ensuring you have internal and external conflicts and much more. You can

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COMP CLOSED: WIN ‘Lies & Weddings’ by Kevin Kwan

This week, we’re giving away three copies of Lies & Weddings by Kevin Kwan, bestselling author of Crazy Rich Asians, which was also adapted into one of Hollywood’s highest-grossing romantic-comedy movies. Lies and Weddings is a captivating friends-to-lovers romance set against the backdrop of a luxury eco-resort, filled with drama,

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Q&A: Who was ‘Uncle Sam’?

Each week here at the Australian Writers’ Centre, we dissect and discuss, contort and retort, ask and gasp at the English language and all its rules, regulations and ridiculousness. It’s a celebration of language, masquerading as a passive-aggressive whinge about words and weirdness. This week, sam-antics… Q: Hi AWC, what’s

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Writing Podcast Episode 611: Lia Hills, author of ‘The Desert Knows Her Name’, on how she wrote her first draft in two weeks using a voice software!

Meet award-winning poet, novelist, and translator Lia Hills. Lia reveals her innovative approach of narrating her novel, The Desert Knows Her Name, using voice recognition software while on location in the desert. She completed her first draft in TWO WEEKS! You’ll discover Lia’s methodology, challenges, and the profound connection between

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COMP CLOSED: WIN ‘The Haters’ by Robyn Harding

This week, we’re giving away three copies of The Haters by Robyn Harding. The Haters is a gripping thriller about debut author Camryn Lane, whose career is jeopardised by a vengeful reader’s campaign of online harassment and personal threats. This unravels a web of intrigue and danger as Camryn fights

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Q&A: ‘Taught’ vs ‘taut’ vs ‘taunt’

Each week here at the Australian Writers’ Centre, we dissect and discuss, contort and retort, ask and gasp at the English language and all its rules, regulations and ridiculousness. It’s a celebration of language, masquerading as a passive-aggressive whinge about words and weirdness. This week, taught-ology… Q: Hi AWC, what’s

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Petronella McGovern’s dream of becoming a fiction author comes true

Petronella McGovern came to the Australian Writers’ Centre hoping to prioritise her fiction writing. She had always wanted to publish a novel but was struggling to find the time and motivation to keep writing. Now, her debut novel Six Minutes has just been published by Allen & Unwin, and she spends her mornings writing fiction, working on her next novel.
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COMP CLOSED: WIN ‘The Wrong Man’ by Tim Ayliffe

This week, we’re giving away three copies of The Wrong Man by Tim Ayliffe, author of The Greater Good, State of Fear, The Enemy Within and Killer Traitor Spy. This fifth novel of the John Bailey thriller series delves into a web of political intrigue and danger to uncover the

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Q&A: What does “apropos of nothing” mean?

Each week here at the Australian Writers’ Centre, we dissect and discuss, contort and retort, ask and gasp at the English language and all its rules, regulations and ridiculousness. It’s a celebration of language, masquerading as a passive-aggressive whinge about words and weirdness. This week, apropos now… Q: Hi AWC,

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Furious Fiction: June 2024 Story Showcase

Welcome to June’s Furious Fiction story showcase – where we celebrate flash fiction creativity and the power of storytelling. The creative prompts for this month were: Each story had to strongly feature a relationship between TWO characters.  Each story had to include someone whispering. Each story had to include the

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AWC graduate Anna Johnston scores a two-book deal

​​Anna Johnston started telling stories at a young age, writing plays and short films for her parents as a child. But she left her storytelling passion behind when she went into healthcare and started her family. A course at the Australian Writers’ Centre changed that, reigniting her love of creative writing, and Anna is now celebrating the publication of her debut novel The Borrowed Life of Frederick Fife, in a two-book deal with Penguin Random House.

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COMP CLOSED: WIN ‘Death in the Air’ by Ram Murali

This week, we’re giving away three copies of Death in the Air by Ram Murali. Ram Murali’s debut novel is a gripping locked-room mystery, blending high society intrigue with sharp wit. Here’s the blurb: Ro Krishna is the American son of Indian parents, educated at the finest institutions, equally at

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