Katrina Miller 1 week ago

I've enjoyed Margaret's positive attitude to our work, and how constructive the feedback has been.

Being able to interact with fellow students and give feedback to each other has been really inspiring. I hope we are able to keep encouraging each other along on our journeys.

It's reminded me that I do indeed have the time to write, and that I may even be able to make something of it in the future.

If you want to learn in a friendly, supportive environment, this is the place!

Rie Brennan 1 week ago

I have absolutely loved the course. Such interesting tutorials and each module can be self-paced. Highly recommend to others!

Graeme Hosking 1 week ago

LA Larkin was excellent! I didn't realise she was a thriller specialist before starting, but as this is the genre of my book i was very happy about it.

I enjoyed giving and getting feedback. It was very interesting to see how other writers wrote, and how that came through in their feedback on my work.

The course increased my confidence in writing, and has given me some very practical immediate help in building the plot and structure of my novel.

Please keep going, it's all useful! Definitely worth doing.

Ralf Dutton 1 week ago

Great feedback and Nat was very natural delivering the positives first, the improvements and end with a positive or two.

I understood the lectures which helped the assignments speak to me. This gave me the confidence to go on with writing.

An aha moment for me was that the redrafting over and over was not a confirmation that I was bad at writing, but each one another opportunity to make the story better.

Jan Samuels 1 week ago

Michelle is a kind, knowledgeable and enthusiastic presenter, whose style made me feel comfortable, reassured and excited all at once. Watching her videos felt more like talking with a friend than learning new stuff.

I've done many Australian Writers' Centre courses and this was one of the best. I even renewed my course access because I'm still not quite ready to jump into a website, and I keep referring back to the modules for advice and insights.

Your Author Website has deepened my knowledge, given me lots to think about, provided a roadmap for action, and helped me to believe that there ARE ways to build an author profile and presence without having to be too 'out there' - or even published.

Do yourself a favour. The Australian Writers' Centre really understands writers, and has a great range of courses, resources and events to build your skills, knowledge and community. They are the best.

Carolyn Leach 1 week ago

I enjoy the courses offered by the Australian Writers' Centre and those presented by Kate Forsyth in particular. She is very inspiring.

One of the most important things Kate spoke about was to develop a writing schedule. It is like most things, if you want to do something make time for it in your schedule/diary.

I have enjoyed the courses I have participated in and would recommend the Australian Writers' Centre because there is such a variety of courses to choose from.

Venetia Vernon 2 weeks ago

Having completed WYN, this course was the obvious next step to developing my manuscript with the support of a tutor and workshopping with fellow students at a similar level.

I was quickly put at ease by Bernadette's welcoming tone and my group of amazing classmates.

Bernadette was a fabulous tutor. Her warm and friendly style encouraged everyone in the class. Our weekly Zoom meetings were fun and informative. She guided and challenged me to shape my draft into a better form.

It has helped me understand that editing (although a seemingly daunting process) can be broken down into chunks and is an essential part of writing. I can now accept that sometimes you need to delete 'your darlings' to make a better draft.

If you want to learn more about the writing process, there is a course for you at the AWC.

Brittany Clark 2 weeks ago

The weekly assignments were just enough to test and practice, but not too overwhelming. Alex, the tutor, was very good, very informative.

It's given me the confidence to try!! Super inspiring how much faith in students' ability is baked into the program.

After writing the 500-word profile in a safe, low-stakes environment, it made me feel like I had achieved something important.

I would say it's a fantastic, affordable way to get experience that many three-year degrees offer but in a much more affordable, flexible, and sometimes more precise learning environment.

Jeny Lloyd 2 weeks ago

The tutor was very supportive and friendly. Her feedback helped to understand and see how it should be tweaked for improvements.

I enjoyed the interview session and how we had to write it about a person we didn't really know.

I guess I realized a lot about research when I was writing the pitch idea for magazines. I realized what interested me more than the others.

I would say this course will nudge you into a whole new world of factual and non-fictional writing.

Kim Kenyon 2 weeks ago

I enjoyed the assignments. Alex gave excellent feedback and her edits were invaluable.

It was a deeper dive into freelance writing. I had previously done the profile writing and freelance business course, but this was a great general overview.

All their courses are wonderful, you get a lot from them.

Susan Bouwman 2 weeks ago

One of the things I really wanted to understand is show don't tell, and I feel that I have a good understanding of that now, along with a few things that I didn't realise were a problem.

Nat was great. She always answered questions quickly and her feedback was beyond what I'd expected. It must take a lot of experience to notice the things she picked up.

I enjoyed the assignments. Loved doing those.

I believe that the 3 books I've been trying to write can be written. It's going to be a very long journey, but belief is a massive steppingstone in the right direction.

My 'aha' moment was when the penny dropped about showing not telling. I literally rewrote my whole assignment (assignment 5) and boom, it was way better. A big thank you to Nat.

I've already recommended it to my son, who has the most amazing natural talent with words and quirky story telling. I'd say that knowing the rules of any trade are fundamental to being able to complete a project.

Ian Linton 2 weeks ago

As part of my Uni degree, I completed a unit in writing fiction. I really enjoyed that. But this course was much more practical.

The tutor was great. Very encouraging, but offered very useful feedback. Practical tips, about aspects of writing that I had previously not even been aware of.

I thought it was great. Just right for me at this time. I have started writing my book.

There were quite a few aha moments! But probably the most important, is the concept of pushing on and writing the story, even though it's nothing like it should be, because you then come back again and again, until you get it right.

Do it, it's fun and it's well worth it.

Stephanie T 2 weeks ago

This course far exceeded my expectations. I understood what it was going to be about from a practical point of view, but the content and in-depth analyses about the different parts of structure were so much more. I feel more confident moving forward with my own writing, with a completely holistic overview of the way structure functions and the rules surrounding it.

This course just reiterated for me what I knew, but in a way that was fresh, easy to understand and allowed me to think in new ways.

The Australian Writers' Centre is absolutely worth the time of anyone looking to resell, refresh and reevaluate their own work through a comprehensive and well-articulated series of courses.

Emma Conroy 2 weeks ago

I'm wanting to write a novel but largely hadn't done much fiction writing since school so wanted to get back on my basics.

Loved the course and loved hearing from Nat each week. She was really helpful. She always had thoughtful notes and explained feedback really clearly.

The lessons with Valarie were great, super handy to be able to listen to them at any time. I loved listening to Nat's feedback and tips across everyone's works. Little things that I wouldn't have thought about in my own characters or scenes were really great to hear from the submissions of the other students.

Just that I can write! I enjoy writing but actually doing a novel seemed like a pipe dream but the encouragement from Nat and Valarie makes me feel like it's something I could achieve.

Jann-Marie Pride 2 weeks ago

I found Kate's course extremely informative and inspirational.

I loved it all. Kate's insight into the world of art and literature was most interesting and I relished the tips for writing that she shared.

I am inspired! I want to write now more than ever. I want to take all the knowledge Kate has imparted and put it to use.

I would say if you are interested in these genres and are looking for expert tips and knowledge then give it a go!

Jo Watts 2 weeks ago

Cathie gave kind, honest and critical feedback which was very helpful.

I enjoyed the assessments and committing to writing weekly.

It's nudged me into writing each week again, and meeting and maintaining writing goals.

Dive in. You'll learn lots and come away armed with the knowledge of how to write a well-structured picture book story.

Christina 2 weeks ago

Alex is great. Her feedback was very helpful.

Learning practical skills with the advantage of Valerie's experience was just fantastic. Her insights into the industry and real hands-on advice was just amazing.

It was great to learn about the techniques and structures of feature writing--hooks, subtopics, transitions, stats, case studies. This opens me up to a style of writing I'd never considered before, and I think it will help my academic writing too.

Go for it. The content is so practical and easy to digest. It's confidence-boosting.

Luisa Colonna 2 weeks ago

I wanted a short course that would be give me an insight into writing children's picture books. As a classroom teacher, I've read hundreds of books to my students and absolutely love it. I wanted to explore the idea of possibly writing a children's book, and I was looking for a course that was online and flexible which allowed me to study after work.

I really enjoyed the flexibility of the course and the engaging course material. I learnt so much as the course content was extensive and was able to download all the material for future referencing.

My online tutor (Cathie Tasker) gave timely, constructive feedback and very valuable suggestions to improve my ideas and writing skill.

This course has motivated me to attempt to write a picture book. I'm thrilled with the experience. As a novice, I was nervous to even try, but the knowledge I gained from this course and the classroom forum has helped me start to plan and move forward as I explore the idea of writing for children.

The course covered everything from storytelling fundamentals to publishing guidance. I loved the interactive lessons, engaging story writing exercises, and valuable feedback from the tutor. I think my 'aha' moment was deeply exploring picture books and learning about structure and pagination, such as the 3-act structure applied to a page plan. After learning this I went back and read many picture books I'd read previously to my students over the years and looked for this structure. This learning experience also helped me structure my ideas and the flow of my story ideas.

Go for it! You will gain so much knowledge and confidence around writing picture books.

Kim Weller 2 weeks ago

Nat was absolutely awesome. Her feedback was balanced between praise and constructive criticism. She has so much knowledge and I loved her voice and expertise.

I enjoyed the assignment feedback and reading others work and the amount of content and very practical guidance.

I feel inspired to keep writing even if I don't become a bestseller author. To have fun with writing and to keep my language much more simple. I found the style and genre I want to be.

The course was really insightful with lots of useful tips and great guidance.

Laurie Dean 2 weeks ago

Great course with friendly feedback and just the right level of challenge steps, each week expanding confidence. I surprised myself with how I have grown skills and am taking away some great foundational character, scene and plot ideas to go further.

The Newman factor has been so fun! The most entertaining feedback. That woman keeps me in my scene. Additional support offered through the extracurricular Words At Dawn write-in group an absolute winner for showing that frequent progress shared in an accountable way is where the gold is. Thankyou Newman for the motivating support and great technical feedback. You rock. My leaves will not crunch underfoot if it's been raining.

I enjoyed the feedback that had me belly laughing in the car drive home. Discovering how much I love this habit. Finding I can write.

I'm doing it! I'm really doing it!


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