Day: March 18, 2014

AWC graduate Tamsin Janu on writing and publishing her first book

Australian Writers’ Centre graduate Tamsin Janu completed the Writing Books for Children and Young Adults course in 2012 and immediately afterwards started work on her book Figgy in the World. That book is now being published by Scholastic Omnibus and will hit bookstores in June 2014.

Despite feeling she was ‘too young’ to write for children, Tamsin undertook her Australian Writers’ Centre course while also studying law. She had spent some time in Ghana on a volunteer program and it was that experience that inspired her to write for children. She now works in a remote community in the Northern Territory as a youth worker.

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Poster: A Visual Compendium of Typewriters

We have a bit of a typewriter obsession here at the Australian Writers’ Centre. In fact, it isn’t surprising to find our national director Valerie Khoo trawling through antique stores in search of the perfect vintage typewriter.

So we couldn’t resist sharing this awesome poster with you.

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Wacky Word Wednesday: Zeugma

Appropriately (for Writing Bar) this week’s wacky word describes a commonly used literary device. It’s one most readers would immediately recognise on seeing it used, but may never have realised just how common, and clever, it is. It’s zeugma, a rhetorical device where a single word is linked to two words in a sentence but is really only appropriate to one of them.

So, that makes a zeugma sound more like a grammatical error than a writing technique. But used well, the zeugma can add drama, humour and beauty to writing. The Macquarie Dictionary describes zeugma as “a figure of speech in which a verb is associated with two subjects or objects, or an adjective with two nouns, in a way that is unexpected”.

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