Day: September 8, 2020

Competitions and Opportunities
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Are you the next big thing in crime writing?

Are you a crime writer in Australia or New Zealand?  Whether you’re a debut author or have previously been published, the Allen & Unwin Crime Fiction Prize is looking for new talent in crime writing. The prize itself is a killer! The winner will receive a publishing contract with Allen

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Podcast: So You Want to be a Writer
Australian Writers' Centre Team

Writing Podcast Episode 347 Meet Fiona Palmer, author of ‘Tiny White Lies’.

Learn how to edit your own manuscript and meet Fiona Palmer, author of Tiny White Lies. In a shocking plot twist, Allison shares her Word of the Week. Discover when to tune into a special Facebook live Creative Conversations with Allison Tait. Plus we have 3 copies of The Fire Star: A Maven & Reeve Mystery by A.L. Tait to give away.

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