VOTE: Do you prefer coffee or tea when you write?

This week, we need your help to settle a debate that’s been raging in the AWC office – and no doubt throughout history. (No pressure!)

Tea and coffee have both been trusty companions of writers for many centuries. More than 300 years ago, author Jonathan Swift stated that “coffee makes us severe, and grave, and philosophical”. Late author Terry Pratchett noted that “coffee is a way of stealing time which should by rights belong to your older self”, while composer Johann Sebastian Bach (who famously drank 30 coffees a day) perhaps said it best with, “Without my morning coffee I’m just like a dried up piece of roast goat.”

Meanwhile, everyone from C.S. Lewis to George Orwell and Agatha Christie has long extolled the virtues of tea in setting a creative mood. “I must drink lots of tea or I cannot work,” stated Leo Tolstoy. “I would rather have nothing but tea,” said Jane Austen. This whole issue is quite the storm in a teacup! (Or coffee mug.)

So, here’s what we’d like you to do. VOTE whether you’re more likely to feel creatively inspired to write with a coffee or a tea at your side. Yes yes, you may drink BOTH, but there will be one that you know in your heart helps you get the words out. Your mug-filled muse, if you will…

This could be the most important thing you do this week. So, are you “team COFFEE” or are you “team TEA”? Vote below! (And to elaborate on your choice, add a comment below.)

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