Wendy Cheek 3 years ago

I thought Bernadette was wonderful; her commentary was supportive, measured and extremely insightful. I appreciated her humour and how authentic the whole course was!

I enjoyed the practical aspects with current resources threaded throughout the modules.

I'd never considered this style of writing till now - after reading the reviews and doing the course - it's a real possibility.

I really liked all the resources that were provided - but again Bernadette was so easy to listen to - great presentations.

The AWC is a very comprehensive, professional organisation that provides you with so many potential opportunities - should you wish to take them.

Janelle Ballenden 3 years ago

I really liked Bernadette - very down to earth with a good sense of humour - easy to listen to and her presentations were easy to follow. She was a great tutor offering extensive and valuable feedback.

I loved the feedback - not just for my assignments but feedback on others' assignments, too.

It's given me confidence - I've never had any formal writing training - just worked off a bit of on-the-job training and a bit of intuition. Having someone critique my work is a great boost for my confidence. It means I'm on the right track.

I'd say, 'You should do this course because you learn quite a lot in a short time, and can access the material for 12 months so you can go over any of it again at your leisure.'

Rebekah Moore-Hart 3 years ago

I was moving into more copywriting at work, and wanted to know the essentials! I've also loved writing for a really long time, and have wanted to make it more of a career.

Thanks so much for this course! It was incredibly enjoyable, and there is so much value within it.

Bernadette is so engaging, incredibly knowledgeable and warm, and I so appreciated her humour and down to earth nature. I feel like she shared so much with us and am incredibly grateful for that generosity.

I really enjoyed the structure of the course, the mercurial nature of Bernadette's delivery (because my mind works in a very similar way!), her openness, and loved the chance to connect with and learn from classmates as well. A fantastic course overall!

I feel like it is possible now to re-direct my course and choose the thing that fills me with contentment. Bernadette has made it feel possible to pursue writing as more than just a pastime, and it's incredibly inspiring to remember how bountiful it is as a path for constant learning and development.

It's an energising platform full of possibilities - you will find something that will light your light there!

Joanne Roberts 3 years ago

I just attended a 5- week Copywriting Essentials course.

Here's what happened.

    • Eyes opened - tick
    • New skills learnt - tick
    • Provided with tips and tricks of the trade to get you started - tick

(sorry, I couldn't resist trying it with a headline formula!)

I've been a teacher trainer for a long time and have been looking for a new direction for freelance work. I saw a few adverts and Facebook posts for copywriting and it piqued my interest. I was attracted to this course in particular as it was through the AWC.

The course was comprehensive and I loved how you could download all the audio files, handouts and the slides easily.

Bernadette is very knowledgeable and willing to share her experience with us. I loved how she is so enthusiastic about her industry. It was very encouraging to hear from her all the time that this is a growth industry and that anyone can do it (with some training and skill!).

Her feedback was very useful and detailed. I loved how we got to hear all the feedback of all the course members. I listened to all of them and wrote notes for each one.

I've really enjoyed being creative with words and realising that maybe this is a job that I could do. The course has given me a taste of the industry and I feel excited about maybe becoming a part of it.

Shannon Benton 3 years ago

Bernadette is an absolute copywriting superstar! Couldn't have asked for a better person to guide me on my copywriting journey.

I enjoyed her practical advice, paired with her sense of humour. She's delightful.

Megan Ralfe 3 years ago

The course provided a complete toolkit to enter the workforce as a copywriter. It was super practical, the information was generous and well-delivered, and left me at the end feeling like I could make the step into paid work.

Bernadette was excellent. She is very knowledgeable in her profession, and generous in sharing that knowledge. She communicates effectively, and in a down-to-earth way. She has developed useful templates and strategies for effective copywriting which she stepped me through logically - this built me up to a sense of competency and confidence in my ability to work as a copywriter.

I enjoyed writing creatively. I loved the excitement of new horizons and learning new skills, after a long time of same-same. I also really liked the dynamic nature of tailoring ideas to hook different target markets, and doing this quickly (challenging my tendency towards perfectionism).

Doing this course has ignited the spark of new adventure within me. It reminds me of when I was younger, when I felt there were lots of exciting things waiting to open up to me. It has made me realise how long it's been since I have felt that excitement for the unknown. Being a Mum has both expanded and contracted my universe in profound ways. The contraction has been tough, so it is great to feel inspired by new horizons!

It is a great kicking off point to begin working as a copywriter. It is a small time and financial investment to then be able to work and earn writing copy. Within the profession there is a lot of scope to start small, be flexible, and build your business as you build your skills.

Thank you, I have really enjoyed this course :)

Katia Spies 3 years ago

Bernadette has a wonderful way of breaking things down into bite size pieces and making each step seem easily achievable. She is a perfect coach for those of us who need to overcome our self-doubt, procrastination and perfectionism.

I enjoyed the well-structured step-by-step breakdown.

Thank you AWC and Bernadette. No doubt you will see more of me.

Emilie Deacon 3 years ago

I was looking for something accessible that I could manage while working full-time crazy hours that change without notice. I reviewed the material the course would cover and thought it would be perfect. It didn't disappoint.

Bernadette was great - such a knowledgeable lady.

My mind is somewhat blown at how much there is to learn on this topic and how much I have yet to learn.

My entire life has been spent writing for a specific purpose, be it in news reporting or compiling statements and briefs of evidence for trial, and yet, copywriting was completely new to me. The strategies and processes in the course were extremely helpful and I learned just how much I still have to learn.

I got so much out of this - I can't think of a single reason why you wouldn't do it. Thankyou!

Carolyn Hall 3 years ago

I thought the tutor was great and explained everything very well.

I always had the stigma that I was bad at writing, but with the process she taught us, I now have a method to follow.

I enjoyed the assignments and realising; hey, I can actually do this!

I got a lot out of the course - working in the same industry a lot of information was not new to me, but it gave me a huge dose of confidence to say, "I'll take a crack at that" and I did and it actually worked.

Callum Methven 3 years ago

There was not a wasted word in any of the lectures. It was far more interesting than I expected it to be.

The tutor was professional and approachable.

I now feel confident enough in my copywriting abilities to start looking for work in the field.

It is a fantastic opportunity to upskill with the help of a reputable institution.

Michelle Thomas 3 years ago

Bernadette knows her stuff. She explains tough concepts in an easy to understand format. Her calming and warm nature squashes that inner critic and helps you focus on learning and giving it a go. The cadence of weekly assessments keeps you motivated.

It removes the belief that you need to be feeling creative all the time to write. It shows how through logical steps and appropriate groundwork you can get it done. It prevents writer's block. It also makes you look like a professional.

It's easily digestible; you can balance it out with work and home life and in your own time. It provides foundational knowledge to help you on your journey as a copywriter - but you get out what you put in - do the work!

Thank you!

Mark Yule 3 years ago

Bernadette impressed as knowing the content very well, and excelled as a communicator, providing a well-structured short course, and well considered constructive feedback. It provided many key insights into copywriting for a beginner and useful tools to get started in the industry.

It made me very eager to get started in developing my skills further and starting to practice my copywriting as soon as possible.

AWC provides a well-structured short starter course for those wanting to gain some really important insights into developing effective copywriting skills.

Jordan Pollard 3 years ago

The course gave me the confidence I needed to get started and arm me with enough knowledge and applicable lessons to keep going. Loved it!

I had a wonderful time learning. I wasn't sure what my expectations were but it was very informative.

The tutor was very friendly, very knowledgeable and super helpful. Bernadette had a great way of explaining things - I could listen for hours.

I entered not knowing much... and now I know enough to feel comfortable to write copy - and that was the goal!

Chareli Seet 3 years ago

Even though the class was not conducted face-to-face or via Zoom, Bernadette had a way of being very personable with every student through her weekly feedbacks. I valued every single feedback she provided because there was always something to learn.

The feedback and assignments were very interesting and challenging.

Made me feel quite energized about the ways you could write copy.

Tricia Allen 3 years ago

Bernadette was clear and concise. She was able to impart industry specific examples and personal anecdotes to make the course personable and informative.

I have now started my own freelance writing business and am learning how to construct a website in WordPress. My life has changed completely.

There's no Fluff and Bubble in these courses. The learning is targeted and you can also have fun as part of the process.

Thank you for the opportunity to complete this course and special thanks to Bernadette for her warmth and guidance. I have a whole new vocabulary that I am keen to use in practice. Who'd have thought I could have an in-depth conversation about SEO 5 weeks ago? I certainly didn't.

Fiona La Torre 3 years ago

I was recently made redundant, and was wanting to upskill in the area of marketing, which I have a degree in from many years ago. This course was recommended as a great way to do this. Plus, it was something that was new to me.

Bernadette was fantastic, entertaining and insightful. I found myself really enjoying the audios and I gained a lot of insight into the world of copywriting. Plus, she always provided valuable and detailed feedback, which I really appreciated.

Surprisingly, I enjoyed the homework assignments. I was a little nervous about doing 'homework' again after so long, but I thoroughly enjoyed being able to have a bit of fun, and be creative, with the assignments.

It made me realise that I still had a passion for writing, and that I would ideally like my next career path to be on the creative side. I could definitely see myself pursuing a career in copywriting.

The whole course was one major learning moment for me. Everything was new to me.
I had a positive learning experience with AWC. You will receive valuable information, taught within a supportive and easy to navigate online environment.

Olivia Nankivell 3 years ago

AMAZING content from Bernadette. It was concise, interesting, and practical.

Bernadette was fabulous. She made the effort to provide detailed feedback every single week.

I enjoyed the practicality of the content. I found myself glued to the screen and frantically taking notes! Every single module was extremely detailed, yet easy to understand. Bernadette created a complete snapshot of each module and reiterated important points. I loved her real-world examples and how she drew from her own experience as well.

I feel more confident to write words that sell products and ideas. As someone who wants to move into the environmental/sustainability space, I believe these skills will be useful to change hearts and minds.

I would say if you want to write in the digital space, sell products and ideas with words, or create motivating copy - this is the course for you.

Thank you so much.

Claudia Bonazzi 3 years ago

This course reflected exactly what I was looking for: a general overview on Copywriting from someone specialised in the field. The flexibility was also perfect.

Definitely Bernadette is a well-suited tutor for this course and gives a lot of insights on the job, which I found very useful. She is very knowledgeable, helpful and her handouts were a godsend!

I really appreciated sharing opinions and points of view with fellow classmates and the chance to ask direct questions to the tutor. Also receiving feedback was something you're always excited about.

I feel like it made the whole writing process more approachable, easy, and smooth to begin with. Moreover it sure improved my confidence and made my copy more results-oriented.

Take the course because it will give you a 360° view on copywriting, it will test your abilities, and will most certainly improve your assets. Hopefully, it will also be a starting point for you to go deeper into it if you're really interested. Bernadette speaks from experience which is the best way to learn!

Megan Daniher 3 years ago

Listening to the podcast "So you want to be a writer" and the ep with Bernadette really piqued my interest. I decided to dig deeper into what copywriting was and the more I found out the more interested I have become. Natural progression was to book into this course.

The course has over-delivered for me. The tutor was approachable and professional. Each module was well planned and varied with no unnecessary overlapping.

I now want to pursue a career in copywriting. 100% enjoyed this course, thank you.

Selma Papapavlou 3 years ago

I've always wanted to know more about copywriting and whether it was an industry and career I could further pursue but didn't want to do a degree and spend years studying it. I was looking for a short course. This was an introductory, 5-week course that only required a few hours a week. It didn't feel intimidating. It was perfect for a novice like me. Also, I could fit it in with my schedule of being a 1st time mum with an active toddler and not spend hours doing so.

I loved it! I finally found my calling and would love to further explore this industry. The tutor was real. Her real-life knowledge was helpful. I think she would be someone you could easily approach if you had any queries about this industry.

SEO intrigued me. I would like to learn more. Also what surprised me was what I was capable of producing in such a tight time frame.

I found my calling! I want to further pursue copywriting. I am kicking myself that I DIDN'T DO THIS SOONER! I wish I did it in my 20s! Or even a few years ago! There's no time like the present and NOW I want to further develop my skills and eventually work as a freelancer. I have a LOT to learn! I have never felt more certain and excited about what I want to do for a living.

I think I had my "aha" moment when I completed my 1st assessment. It didn't feel daunting or difficult. It felt enjoyable and exciting. I gained clarity. I thought, "I can do this. I can actually see myself doing this for a living.”

The AWC has short courses that you are able to fit into your busy life and still feel like you've learned new skills and achieved something productive.

Thank you for continuously sending me email mailers. Eventually something clicked and I made it all work!


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