Ellen O'Connor 2 years ago

I knew I needed some structure and accountability to move forward with my novel, and I like being in a critique group. I'd also heard lots of praise for AWC on a Facebook group I'm in, so I checked out the website and went from there.

The range of topics in the modules was awesome. I also like that the content stressed there is more than one way to be a writer, rather than adopting a 'this is the one true path' sort of methodology.

Bernadette is amazing! She balances being incredibly perceptive and constructively critical with genuine encouragement. Her insight is so valuable.

I enjoyed reading my fellow students' work. It was really inspiring and motivating to see what everyone else was working on, and the feeling of all being in it together.

I am considerably more confident in my abilities than when I started. I feel like I might actually be able to finish my novel!

Thank you! I'll be back for more in the near future, I'm sure.

Vicki Kyriakakis 2 years ago

Angela was fantastic. Really responsive and helpful. I found her feedback on my writing excellent and insightful in ways that helped me breakthrough blocks I was facing.

It helped me actually finish my book and gave me insight into what my strengths are and what areas I need to work on. I felt more like I could actually do this. It also introduced me to other excellent writers, who I hope to keep in touch with.

Angela's comments on my synopsis and the questions she asked were a big 'aha' moment for me - they helped me nail the final story and identify crucial things that were missing.

Thanks very much for this. It was great and would definitely do it again! I'll be buying the editing course next. :)

Timothy Adams 2 years ago

I liked the idea of having deadlines to work against and the feedback aspect from multiple people unfamiliar with the genre I was writing in. I had self-doubt about what I was doing and my writing, but with the encouragement of my tutor and classmates that was stripped away pretty quickly.

Angela had a great no-nonsense approach to giving feedback which I loved. It let me know clearly what needed work and how to go about fixing it. She gave me a great motivational boost when telling me what worked and why. She also gave real world examples to the group that were thoroughly helpful and made sense. I couldn't have asked for a better suited tutor.

The most enjoyable part was definitely the workshopping. As writing is a pretty solitary pursuit, it really helped to get second opinions on sections I was unsure of. It was also great to read genres I don't normally read and to see how others worked through plots and character.

It helped me to understand that even the most successful writers still have doubts about what they're doing. It also helped me to develop habits to continue writing, maybe not at the pace of this course, but definitely to continue with a second book. Nothing is perfect and to let mistakes happen. Just continue writing and get that first draft done. Everything can be fixed in the next draft.

I loved this course. Yes, it was stressful and I feared I wouldn't finish my first draft, but I did and had fun while doing it. This was the perfect course for me. It has made me a better writer, a better planner and most of all given me the motivation to keep going and write more.

If you're looking to develop habits to help you write, get used to feedback and not feel so alone, or to just finally get your first draft finished - do this course!

Anne Farrell 2 years ago

I'd done other AWC courses (including another led by Angela Slatter) so I knew signing on for this one would improve my writing and ensure I made solid progress with my novel. The six month timeframe was short enough for me to visualise the end and 'scary' enough to propel me into action.

I was a little concerned I might not be able to keep up with the demands (regular assignments, feedbacking and delivery of my entire manuscript by June) but I enjoyed the course so much, I prioritised it and kept up to speed.

Angela is super knowledgeable across many facets of writing and publishing. She was 'above and beyond' generous with her time and feedback. I liked how she was clear and direct about ways I could enhance my writing, while also providing lots of positive support and encouragement. I signed on to IMPROVE so I wanted real feedback, not just sugar-coating and this is what I got. I learned so much from Angela and my story and writing are stronger for it.

Like all the AWC courses I've done, I enjoyed 'meeting' my classmates and getting to know their stories too. I learned a lot from reading and reviewing their writing and I've been able to apply new techniques to my own writing as a result.

When I signed up, I was six months away from turning 60. I'd been messing about with my story for about a year prior to that, and was determined to finish my manuscript by the time I reached this milestone birthday - and I did! That was really satisfying. I hope I can keep up the momentum and make it shine in the upcoming drafts.

If you have any aspirations to write, a course with the AWC is a fantastic step to take. It gives you energy and motivation to write, equips you with insights and skills, and helps you get your 'head in the game' as a writer.

Thanks AWC and Angela for a very satisfying and thrilling ride!

Jenny Wilson 2 years ago

Without exception, the submissions of every person in the class have improved immensely since we began. Our stories are so much clearer now (I suspect for the writer as much as for the reader).

I am in awe of Pamela's ability to identify the strengths and the weaknesses of any piece of writing with scalpel-sharp precision. Even better is her skill at finding solutions for the problems too.

I enjoyed the Zoom sessions together. Seeing the people behind the stories. I now have three writing friends that I'm still in regular touch with and we're looking forward to meeting for the first time at the ARW conference in August.

Leanne Anderson 2 years ago

Having completed a number of courses with AWC (serial workshopper here!) and then bringing my story idea to life through the Novel Writing Essentials course, Write your Novel was the next step in the process.

Reviewing the work of others and having your work reviewed by them is invaluable. Reading the tutor’s comments and feedback to others (in addition to your own specific feedback) adds to the learning.

Cathie is incredible. So knowledgeable, practical and her feedback is so well presented (and spot on!) Areas for development were provided in an honest and supportive manner and I loved the recommendations for wider reading.

I enjoyed the combination of learning from the audio content, workshopping and submission of chapters for feedback. Great online, group support.

I finished the draft of the novel I had been thinking about for so long. I navigated through plot and character changes to come to a point where I can now start my subsequent drafts focused on refining and improving through each of the drafts to follow.

Just keep writing. You can't write the start till you know the end so stop re-writing those first few chapters and keep going.

Do it. Give yourself a structure for pushing through and achieve what you've been wanting to do for so long.

Kerrie Hudson 2 years ago

Cathie provided excellent detailed feedback and guidance in how to draw more from a piece of writing.

I enjoyed watching my classmates' skills grow and really value their comments and feedback on my manuscript. I feel I have grown as a writer. I can now add more depth to my stories. I have also gained the confidence to share my writing with others.

Go for it. The courses are informative, provide useful and interesting lessons. The tutors are knowledgeable, give fair and valuable feedback and are supportive of your journey as a writer.

Uma Srinivasan 2 years ago

I did the Novel Writing Essentials course with Cathie and Plotting and Planning with Kate Forsyth and my idea for a historical novel took shape. Once I had written 20,000 words, I enrolled in this course to complete my novel.

The comments and the reading material suggested by the tutor and collective wisdom of the reading group were extremely useful in shaping my novel.

I am grateful to Cathie as her gentle yet tough love edged me on to do my best and complete the first draft of my novel.

The comments by other participants, the tutor's comments on other drafts (in addition to my draft) and the list of reference books on writing fiction were good. The online audio sessions and course material were good as well.

I liked the pace of the twelve-month course as it gave me time to absorb and apply the principles I learnt through the lessons. This allowed me to do my homework and be prepared with my submissions.

The AWC offers a huge range of courses on writing. I love their courses on writing fiction. If you follow the lessons and listen to all the advice you get from the experts, you will achieve your goal to complete your first draft of your novel.

Thanks to everyone at AWC - the course creators, the course deliverers, the experts, the tutor and the participants. Loved every day of the course.

Kenji Strazdins 2 years ago

Cathie was brilliant. She has helped and is helping me create the book I've always wanted.

I enjoyed the feedback and growing from that. And watching my fellow writers grow.

Cathie Tasker is phenomenal.

Fiona Gilmour 2 years ago

Cathie was awesome. Always constructive and supportive.

There were many aha moments. In particular, I found the handouts very helpful, especially the descriptions of filter and filler words, tense, show not tell and concrete words. I stuck them on my wall and referred to them often.

You are the only one who can write your novel, but if you want to write it better enrol in the Write Your Novel course. The advice and support of your tutor and other aspiring writers is invaluable.

Angela Moscou 2 years ago

I needed the push to get on with my writing and after completing Novel Writing Essentials just previously I was feeling super inspired.

I learned things I didn't know I needed to learn which was amazing. I am still processing everything, to be honest. I was interested in the craft of writing and this course definitely helped.

Pamela is lovely. Her feedback was accurate and very helpful.

I enjoyed everything I have learned about myself as a writer and about the craft of writing. Also the feedback from other students was fantastic.

I've learned that I need to write myself into the story more. I have a lot to ponder and am excited about it. I am proud of myself that I have completed a draft!! Imperfect, yes but I have done it!!

I would definitely recommend AWC. You will learn SO much, just do it!!

Thank you!! I think you are doing a GREAT job!

David Simes 2 years ago

Pamela was spot on, all the time. Not afraid to put in the punches early, saving a lot of time. How she could have such a good grasp of sixteen novels, given only snippets and a synopsis, was remarkable.

Enjoyable? The anticipation of the daily postings on the website, particularly at the Water Cooler. Satisfying? Seeing everyone's writing improve quickly with practice and direction.

First time writing "full time" and having the product reviewed. Reversed some preconceptions on what good writing is, confirmed some areas of concern in my own writing.

Loved it. Will miss it.

Judith Betts 2 years ago

I found Pamela's feedback to be enormously helpful. There is no doubting her expertise. I liked the online feedback as well as the written feedback.

I liked the discipline of having to submit segments of writing at regular intervals - and I especially valued the feedback of others.

I have a deeper appreciation of POV (head, heart and body) and of structure. I think, also, that I have a greater appreciation of the need to take the reader on an emotional journey.

The course represents great value for money. It offers some profound insights and is rich in feedback. It also provides opportunities to network with other writers.

I enjoyed the course and am delighted to have a first draft at the end of it.

Vanessa Andean 2 years ago

I didn't think I'd manage to produce the bulk of a novel in the 6 months, but I've come much closer to achieving that goal than I expected to.

Pamela is very knowledgeable about all aspects of writing and publishing, and very committed to transmitting her knowledge to her students. She is very open to all kinds of writing and very encouraging of all participants. Her feedback was always very focussed on specific problems in my writing and gave me a clear path for how to proceed.

I enjoyed the regular feedback from the tutor and the camaraderie of the group - knowing that everyone was struggling with the same things I was.

I've produced more material than I ever have before, and the focussed teaching has improved the quality of my work immensely.

Many thanks to Pamela for the detailed attention she's given to all of us, and her unwavering encouragement.

Pippa Lee 3 years ago

Angela was great. Kept things real and gave honest feedback. Gave us all an extra one-on-one zoom chat which was really helpful. No complaints at all.

I enjoyed meeting like-minded people and developing relationships with them.

Thanks for everything AWC, you've awakened a beast in me.

Genevieve Clay-Smith 3 years ago

I thought Angela was really honest, which is what I wanted. I wanted to be told when my writing wasn't strong versus when it was and because of her honesty I really trusted her. I very much enjoyed her tutoring and she even went above and beyond and had a Zoom meeting with everyone.

I feel confident that I have a first draft of a book which, once polished, I can proudly send to an agent. I feel confident as a writer of fiction. I will never stop writing novels now.

Thank you so much for this gift. I am so grateful that I did this course; it has enriched my life and my skills.

Elise Maki 3 years ago

It has been beyond amazing with expert advice from Angela as well as support from fellow classmates. The workshopping was a highlight.

I have noticed a huge difference in how I structure my writing and its flow.

Fantastic course. So pleased to have been part of the course. The AWC are experts who want you to succeed.

Robyn Elliott 3 years ago

This was an exceptionally good course with a very good group of writers. I enjoyed it. Thank you for all the office staff help too. I think the fact I had already completed Short Story Essentials helped me. I have done many of your courses through the years and they are informative and stimulating. But this was the best. Perhaps I will try one more with an unfinished novel waiting in the drawer for final draft. Thank you to you all.

Feedback from Cathie was excellent, encouraging and very informative. She gives such a lot of extra graphs and info sheets. I have downloaded them for future reference. Sometimes it takes a while to absorb all the information and it is good to have this feedback and also the module downloads to do at a later date. I can't praise Cathie enough; she is an excellent tutor. Thank you, Cathie.

I enjoyed the interaction with the other students - they are now good friends - reading their work and seeing how each one progressed. I wish it went longer as it seems as if we could have had a month more to work on the editing and publishing side of things. It would be interesting to know how they get on later so this is a reason to join the Facebook page.

I finished this memoir. It was tough work and emotional to go back and find what I needed to keep, what I needed to add, what needed to be left out. I'm glad it wasn't completed beforehand.

What I had considered just an urge that wouldn't go away, and that kept insisting I needed to write it, had benefit for others. The students loved the story and this was encouragement. Cathie too has said she loves it. One of the men said he couldn't put it down. High praise from a man, I feel.

I am grateful for all the service and help given through the office as well as tutor and audios and written handouts. I have a sense of having achieved something worthwhile. I had three copies printed and bound at Office Works to give to beta readers outside of AWC students and feel proud to have something of worth for them to read, prior to a final print run.

Natalie Livings 3 years ago

I thoroughly enjoyed the 12 month Write Your Novel course, which I completed during 2020. I finished, re-wrote and polished my YA Thriller manuscript that I'd been struggling with since 2015. I learnt valuable writing tips and techniques, both from tutor Cathie Tasker and from my supportive course mates, through the workshopping element of the program. We now continue to read for each other post course. Highly recommend!

Sarah Leov 3 years ago

Cathie is an excellent tutor. Her feedback is always clear and to the point. She's not afraid to say when something isn't working. She is excellent at answering questions promptly and with lots of detail and infographics. I felt in safe hands with her.

I enjoyed the camaraderie amongst the group and the chance to read and feedback on other people's work.

I feel I now have a handle on the structure of a novel. My innate knowledge gleaned from years as a reader is solidified with a concrete understanding of the building blocks of structure, POV, characterisation, use of the senses, creating a setting and writing good dialogue. Whereas with this manuscript I have been feeling my way, I feel confident about getting into the next one.

A major learning for me has been using limited third person POV effectively. I had to figure out how to tell a story without head hopping and it's strengthened my manuscript immeasurably.

The AWC provides quality content through professional tutors in an easily accessible way.


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