Nichole McCausland 3 years ago

I completed the Copywriting Essentials course and the SEO component lit my fire! I love Bernadette's approach and have enjoyed seeking her out on other platforms. I'm super keen to turn my writing into $$.

James Duncan 3 years ago

I enjoyed applying the content that I learned. It's taught me many things about writing and spurred me to persevere with a story.

Good chance to learn and gain momentum writing. Thanks! I'll probably see you again.

Femke Withag 3 years ago

I really liked the Zoom meetings. Bernadette was a great tutor and host and I much enjoyed the interaction with my fellow students.

Very professional and experienced. It was clear that Bernadette has been working in the literary scene for a long time and her remarks and questions were always insightful and useful.

I most enjoyed the interaction with everyone on Zoom. We laughed a lot and shared a lot. It was a nice group and everyone was very generous and made an effort to deliver honest and useful feedback to other participants.

I feel like I’ve made progress in my writing. I also have a better idea of how to go forward with my stories, especially regarding their structure! I even hope to publish one short story I submitted for this course.

I am a fan of AWC anyway and have recommended the centre to a few people already. I would tell them that the Writing Workout was the perfect thing to do to keep writing.

A big thank you and till next time :)

Carole Low 3 years ago

I am still trying to digest the massive amount of helpful information included in the modules. So much I didn't know about the nuts and bolts of writing.

It was obvious that Bernadette had taken the time to read every piece in its entirety. Her remarks were always positive. I also found the mp lessons made for easy listening.

It made me want to keep going - I had stalled for quite some time before this course came along. Now I can look at my writing in a new light. I found that I was much more aware of what to look for and also have a more realistic idea of long it actually takes to get a novel to publication stage.

If you want to write and you are wondering where to begin, try this!

Chrystal Psaltopoulos 3 years ago

I wanted to refresh my skills and learn more about how to write great copy.

Loved the course and was particularly pleased to see that Bernadette provided feedback for all our assignments.

Highly recommended - very beneficial, easy to follow and great feedback from assignments.

I feel more confident to say I can write copy now. Thanks Bernadette for a great course! I look forward to doing more!

Katherine Shanley 3 years ago

Stephen is very thorough, considered and compassionate in his feedback. I enjoyed the motivational force of having feedback every week.

It has confirmed that the germ of an idea for a book that I got while doing the Writing for Children course in 2014 is a viable prospect for a full length novel.

Sean McGunnigle 3 years ago

I thought the course and the handouts were very thorough, as expected. It was however the emphasis on what is important in the lessons that really impressed me. The lessons were definitely the highlight. It was also a bonus being able to listen in the car on the way to work.

I was very impressed by the tutor's knowledge and helpful suggestions.

I can now see that writing is a craft that I can learn and get better at.

AWC understands the basics of good writing and how to do it. The course was thoroughly enjoyable.

VM Ryan 3 years ago

I have had this software for a while but never really used it. I really wanted to try to figure out whether it would be useful or a better way for me to write.

This course was a great introduction to the software. It was really well presented and simplified the whole process of using the program in such a way that I could just jump in and start work.

I love the sections on cork board, outlining and labelling. It's a great way to organise things. In the past the greatest barriers to writing for me has been organisation.

Great course, easy to enrol, well organised content.

Kaytie Dell 3 years ago

I have always loved creative writing and wanted to explore it further and further my skills and knowledge in this area.

I really enjoyed everything about this course.

Stephen was very knowledgeable. His feedback was always constructive and he always gave you something to try next time.

I am now more confident in pursuing my dream of being an author. It's an amazing and informative course with plenty of support available.

Om S. 3 years ago

I wanted to get practical, methodical advice to help in my writing, and this looked like it covered a variety of skills I wanted to brush up on.

The feedback Ms. Freeman gave me completely exceeded my expectations. I was expecting some simple written comments, but the video format was great and I really appreciated her feedback. There were a lot of gems in what she said. I have a very positive impression of her.

I enjoyed the assignments and listening to the feedback I got from my mentor.

It gave me some practical tips which I’ve used in writing projects and has allowed me to think clearly about how to organise my efforts in writing (and it’s worked, too, since I’ve used some of these tips in school assessments, and to some success :) )

Rosemary Hobern 3 years ago

I wanted someone to bring together all the essentials so I could get a jump on starting freelance work. I thought there might be a lot of negative feedback, which would be discouraging when you're just starting out. In fact, it was all a very positive and fun experience.

The tutor has a great voice - pleasant and positive and absolutely no verbal tics, which is incredibly rare. The feedback was helpful and invariably positive.

I liked the gradual structure. I learned quite a bit without realising it and feel a lot more confident about possible copywriting interviews. I can now discuss headlines, SEO and social media marketing with the best of them!

Starting to freelance in your fifties is daunting when you know that most of your competition grew up with computers and social media. I have the advantage of having written for years, including several novels, and I probably had a more rigorous grammatical education, but they have the advantage of being at ease with the jargon and social media. None of this is rocket science, but I feel much more confident about the concepts now.

It has increased my confidence tenfold. That none of this is actually terribly difficult, once you switch your brain into copywriting mode. Bernadette will explain how to do that. It's also a lot of fun and I think I could make a success of it. You'll have a good tutor and a clearly set out course. You'll learn a lot without realising it and it will help you feel confident in a quickly changing world.

Just thanks to Bernadette. I was pretty nervous about this course but I had fun and learned a lot.

Murray Wellings 3 years ago

I thought the feedback provided by Pamela was very helpful. Listening to the feedback for all students, as opposed to just my own, gave me further insight that I think will be useful going forward.

It's nice knowing you are on the right path. The other students seemed to like the characters I am developing. You always have doubts when you are working in your own little bubble. Also knowing there are other people at the same point as me feels kind of nice.

This is the second course I have done and I'm sure I'll be back for more.

Bernadette Franzoni 3 years ago

The tutor was encouraging but he was also able to critique in a positive way.

I enjoyed writing the pieces and listening to the feedback. Having never read "To Kill a Mockingbird" (which was on my must-read list) was a bonus.

I am more confident now and I am keen to re-read what I had previously written before the course as I know now what makes an ok story into a good story.

Have a go. It is not as scary as you think; it's easy to follow. The more you put in the more you will get out of the course.

Mar Ferrer 3 years ago

I really enjoyed listening to Alex's clear and concise feedback. Great and meaningful feedback, always flagging good points. Thanks Alex! It's been a pleasure.

Morgen Brown 3 years ago

I was impressed with the thoroughness and professionalism of the feedback process, as well as the focus on the positive. I enjoyed the ability to give and get feedback.

I had begun to wane in my drive and inspiration, but my love of writing has been rekindled.

I would say that it is a great way to connect with like-minded people who wish to develop their writing skills in a supportive environment. Thank you.

Annette McQuarrie 3 years ago

I was actually looking at a creative writing course being offered when I came across the copywriting course. I was impressed by the course content and Bernadette's experience. I decided it would complement my editing and give me another job angle.

It is well-paced and perfect for someone starting out or wanting to do a refresher.

Bernadette is an engaging, informative instructor with a wealth of knowledge which she shares with such joy. Great sense of humour and clear communication skills. Her feedback was spot on and extremely helpful.

I enjoyed listening to Bernadette and learning from her. She knows so much and it's great to have the option of revisiting the material for 12 months to cement everything she has taught us.

I've expanded my business to include copywriting, I've revamped my website and as a result, I've been offered some ongoing work with an established publicist.

Definitely do a course. There are so many to choose from, the tutors are top quality and you can achieve wonderful results. Possibly better results than you could have anticipated.

Venetia Vernon 3 years ago

Bernadette was a fantastic tutor, making everyone feel welcome and valued. She was knowledgeable, encouraging and gave valuable feedback. The workshopping proved to be enjoyable.

It has giving me more confidence to move forwards.

Rob Ehlers 3 years ago

I needed a change and have always been interested in writing but have never had the confidence to pursue it. Given the reputation of AWC, I knew this short course would be targeted to someone like me, and it was.

It has all the information you need to get yourself going as a writer. All the resources and practical information is provided.

Joshua Dickens 3 years ago

I wanted to learn more about creative writing. This course stood out due to the online method and the experience of the teachers. It was very good, better than I thought it would be. I hadn’t studied writing before so everything I learnt was new.

Annabel is fantastic. Her feedback was exceptional and from her feedback I was able to increase my knowledge even further.

I liked everything about this course. I now know that I wish to continue learning about creative writing and have started writing at home in my spare time.

Give it a go. It’s a great course to do online and everyone is welcoming.

Amariah Berechiah 3 years ago

I wanted to get some writing guidance within content writing for various articles.

I liked the strategy templates and the ABC examples, the variety of articles. It was simply articulated which made each session enjoyable. The resources were great to use.

A well-structured writing course that was very beneficial for me.

It gives me the confidence to handle different types of articles.


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