Daily motivation, mindfulness and challenges to help you grow as a writer.

This course is ideal for: Any type of writer or creative who’d like to invigorate their daily routine, establish a writing habit and meet a like-minded community

You will:
Unlock a variety of inspirational items every day for a month
Challenge yourself with daily missions and themes
Beat procrastination with regular live writing challenges
Connect with fellow mojo members in our online platform
Discover new places for your creativity to thrive.

“Everything about the course is positive and affirming, bright and cheery.”
– Janelle Rebgetz, MOJO MONTH graduate

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Daily motivation for less than a coffee a day

We all need a boost of motivation from time to time and exploring new places is a great way to do it. Of course, even well into 2021 travel remains limited or uncertain. That’s why we’ve saved you a seat on AWC’s MOJO MONTH – the ultimate creative road trip to help you rediscover your creative energy and get back in a writing habit!

Brought to you by the feel-good team behind Furious Fiction, MOJO MONTH is a fun journey of creative discovery and personal goal setting – a LIVE EVENT that feels like a cross between a life coach and an energy drink for your soul. If you want to find your MOJO, you’re in safe hands – because we know all the fun places to look.


“Great tool to motivate, activate writing habits and eliminate self doubt and procrastination! Bravo, really enjoyed it!”

– Jan Harvey


“My life has changed and self-belief abounds without the daily tipple of a few reds for courage. Now I awaken, do my morning pages and see inspiration. This course was BRILLIANT!”

– Bridget White


“The delivery, the humour, the content – everything was fantastic and absolutely served its purpose of getting my mojo back. Do it! It will absolutely ignite your creative spark.”

– Jess S.


“I absolutely loved MOJO MONTH and can honestly say it's the best $97 I've ever spent on a course in my life! It really made me think outside the box and look at writing from different angles. I loved that. And I've now set up a writing habit that I plan to keep because of MOJO MONTH.”

– Karen Young

Who is MOJO MONTH suitable for?

MOJO MONTH is truly suitable for anyone, at any stage of their creative journey. Whether you’ve just started out or found yourself in a rut, our daily dose of feel-good motivation will do wonders!

Do any of these sound like you?

  • You’re working in a non-creative role and daydream about all sorts of projects, but lack a supportive crew around you to bounce ideas off or to get inspired by.
  • You’ve lost your muse. You get equal-parts inspired and deflated seeing others achieving their creative goals. You’re craving a dollop of self-confidence and energy to help you beat off your self-doubts with a stick!
  • You love to write, but never seem to make it a priority. Something always comes first. You need a structure that will force you to put your writing front and centre, even just for a month.
  • You write all the time, in fact clients even pay you for your words – but lately you’ve been feeling a bit “meh”. Creativity has deserted you and you’re treading water. You’d love something different to look forward to each day!
  • You’ve made goals. You just need to stop procrastinating. Help!

If bells are going off in your head, then MOJO MONTH could be exactly what you need. (If bells really are going off in your head, please see a doctor.)

“It’s well worth the price for the materials and energy it provides. It boosted my writing habits and increased my output of good writing. Thank you for this most excellent program.”

– Laura McGinnis

“Whether you’re suffering Impostor Syndrome, are stuck in the middle of a project or simply need a reason to write, this is for you! I’m almost certain I’ll be doing this again!”

– Liz Kay

“I enjoyed the fabulous structure of the MOJO MONTH and the positive boost each day and looked forward to seeing how each new day unfolded. My creative mojo was gently stirred. It’s creative, encouraging and fun. A great opportunity to unleash your creative spirit.”

– Gail Turnham

“I felt like I got value for money very early in MOJO MONTH. The materials put together each day were carefully curated and relevant. I had my eyes opened to a lot of fun resources I did not know existed! I’ve reignited my daily writing habit which has been suffering during the pandemic.”

– Linda Jackson

So, how does MOJO MONTH work?

It’s pretty simple really. From the first of the month, every morning you’ll receive an email from us inviting you to access your MOJO items for that day. These items have been cleverly split into four categories:

  • M for mindset – a daily insight into how you should best be treating your mind, body and soul to get the most out of your life.
  • O for online – we’ll share a link to something online that will make you think, make you gasp or simply make you laugh.
  • J for juice – a daily fix of visual inspiration to help you get your ‘vitamin see’!
  • O for operation – your own mission for the day, if you choose to accept it…


The exciting part is you won’t know what motivational morsels are coming your way until the day begins. And because it’s in real time, YOU help make the month what it is – through your experiences and interactions with other MOJO members. Think of it as your very own magical mystery tour of motivation – helping you create new habits and boost your creativity!

“Thank you MOJO Team for one of the best months I have had in quite a while. I am almost totally blind and over the last four years thought my aspirations were over. I have resumed my autobiography and resumed the historical fiction I was working on. THANK YOU.”


– Christine Reed

“I think anyone who is aspiring to write or pursue any creative process would benefit immensely if they spend a month going through this time of self discovery. The course nurtures a holistic approach to creativity while providing a strong foundation to keep up a writing practice. The course for me was life changing.”

– Jeanette Becklar

“I am an artist and writer and I believe the course can help any creative mind, not just writers. It was fantastic how it created a community of like-minded writers from all over the world.

“Worth every cent, a wonderful experience. Thank you so much.”


– Christine Denniss

“I didn't really know what to expect but I loved it so much. I loved the positivity and energy springing out at me every day. I loved feeling part of a group all doing the same things and having the same struggles /triumphs. It quickly became part of my routine and the springboard to get me writing every day.”

– Imogen French

At the end of MOJO MONTH, you will have:

  • Fantastic strategies for battling impostor syndrome and staying motivated
  • A bunch of new ways to unlock your creativity instantly
  • A bulletproof new writing habit thanks to the daily format
  • A stack of online resources and motivational morsels
  • Supercharged techniques on big and small goal setting
  • Powerful methods and insights on improving productivity
  • New mojo mates from the course
  • Feel-good vibes from prioritising something you love.



Designed to help people find their creative spark, beat procrastination and achieve small yet powerful goals throughout the month, MOJO MONTH is for ANY type of writer who wants to get back in the groove and invigorate their daily routine.


How much time will I need?
Each day is different, and you’ll be able to easily assess your daily goodies in our online learning hub over a quick cuppa. Most online links and missions are less than 30 minutes, but if we think it will take longer, we’ll let you know to help you plan.

What if I miss a day?
It’s up to you to complete each day in real time, but if you happen to miss a day’s activity here and there – no biggie. We’re all adults – simply catch up the next day or write it off. (But we suspect you’ll quickly find yourself addicted to your daily MOJO morsels!) Importantly, you actually have a whole extra month at the end to go back and redo anything, so don’t stress!

Do I need writing experience?
Nope. MOJO MONTH has been designed for complete newbies, creative writers, seasoned professionals and anyone who wants more motivation to achieve their goals. The themes we discuss are common to all humans. And some dolphins.

Will MOJO MONTH help me get out of my creative rut?
It’s very likely. We know how debilitating it can be when you’re in a creative slump, and MOJO MONTH should help you refocus. Whether you’re currently working on a writing project or just craving more time to stretch your right brain – we'll give you fun and easy-to-follow techniques to help you fulfil your creative potential.

I’ve done MOJO MONTH before – should I do it again? Is it the same each time?
Due to its live nature, there are always some new things each time, but every MOJO MONTH also includes ‘favourites’ proven to motivate and inspire – much like your favourite restaurant keeping its best dishes on the menu. The biggest difference will be from YOU and the new people participating with you. Are you the same person you were last time you did MOJO? If you’re in need of a creative boost, you’re likely to have a totally different experience this time around!

You mentioned it’s from the creators of Furious Fiction?
Why yes! The same team that brings you AWC’s wildly popular monthly flash-fiction competition are the creative brains behind MOJO MONTH. They love seeing people grow creatively and have prepared a truckload of daily insights, writing motivation and feel-good fun just for YOU.

Does MOJO MONTH happen every month?
Nope. It’s a curated event that only runs a few times a year. So register your interest and you can be the first to hear when the next one takes off!

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