Bernice Shepherd 3 years ago

I really enjoyed the course and found it extremely practical.

The feedback from Sue was great, very useful and constructive and very welcome. I think the feedback on my work and on others has helped me a lot in understanding what might be required of a freelance writer and what editors are looking for.

It is very confidence boosting and makes you feel like this is not totally out of reach. It has given me the very practical tools required to actually start putting myself out there to see what happens.

I think it has improved my writing by giving me more structure and focus, and a framework within which to work.

I'd just like to thank Sue for her very helpful and supportive feedback!

James Madden 3 years ago

Sue provided great feedback. It was great to hear her voice in the first module too. The assignments and feedback were a great addition to this. I'm sure I wouldn't have learned as much had this not been offered.

My pitching has improved as well as my writing. Valerie's tips were great and really helped me see features in a different light. I can pick up on the format when I read a feature now, and identify the conventions. I also feel more confident in interviewing. I really appreciate the way the course was laid out. Previously I did a tiny bit of research and would then pitch. Unsurprisingly my pitches were rarely commissioned. Now, I can see the work that goes into a story idea before pitching, and I hope this will make the difference between my pitches before and after.

If you're at the beginning stages of wanting to freelance and you're wanting to learn more tips and tricks of breaking into the industry, leap at the chance to study the Freelance Writing Course with AWC. You won't regret it and it's great value for money.

Kim Robyn Smith 3 years ago

The course reinforced some of the scenes in my writing that I was doubtful about. It helped me improve with character building. I now need to include some other aspects about major characters that are currently missing.

A worthwhile course for tips and pitfalls. Easy to navigate modules. Good value for money and generous timeframe to complete.

Lirize Loots 3 years ago

The feedback provided was excellent and thought provoking. It was really helpful to hear comments on both my own work and that of other participants. Lots to reflect upon and to go back and review in future.

I enjoyed challenging myself weekly with an assignment, reading the assignments others submitted and hearing the feedback on all of our work.

It gave me a starting point and a structure and was the catalyst for setting out ideas for a first story.

Rebecca Spencer 3 years ago

I'm an illustrator who wants to explore writing children's picture books, and was recommended your course by a librarian.

Our online tutor gave us helpful feedback and explained well where our stories could be improved in a constructive manner.

I enjoyed the results, and having my own stories that I can now work on further.

This course has further shown me the enjoyment that comes with the creativity in storytelling, and has opened my eyes to the possibility of this as a career.

This course helps you dip your toe into writing stories for children, how to learn to edit your own work and how to make a career from it.

Karen Young 3 years ago

Pamela was fantastic, I could listen to her talk about writing for days! I learnt so much about all the topics covered by taking on board her feedback about all of our assignments.

I loved the Zoom classes and hearing the feedback from Pamela and my fellow students. I learnt so much from reading and commenting on everyone’s assignments.

I started Writing Workout with a vague idea for a book and through doing all the exercises I was able to finish the course with a solid outline to continue on with. For me, this course was invaluable.

There’s a huge amount involved in writing a fabulous book! But I’m now much closer to doing that than I was before I started this course in November. I enjoyed it so much that I’m thinking about doing it again.

Just a HUGE thank you to Pamela... she was absolutely fantastic!

Vivienne Barrett 3 years ago

Pamela is lovely and very knowledgeable having published 32 books. Her feedback was very helpful and her insights have allowed me to think more deeply about where my story is going.

I enjoyed the ability to have a published author comment on my work and to have the group comment/workshop the ideas. The group were lovely and I'm hoping that a few will continue on together.

The course has made me feel that is a lot I don't know but rather than getting caught up in all of that - I know that I need to get a first draft written so that is what I will concentrate on now.

Aly Kenna 3 years ago

Pamela, as will all the tutors I have had with AWC to date, exceeded my expectations. She was friendly, approachable and encouraging. She helped us refine our work as well as troubleshoot along the way. I will miss Pamela as well as my classmates.

I enjoyed the Zoom experience, added bonus, no travel time. Being able to attend the classes from home, even when my life was at its most chaotic was a real bonus. In addition, being able to discuss our work in real time and with a shared screen was immensely helpful.

I am now more confident to take on a novel.

Don't just think about it. Do it! Whatever you want to write, AWC will have a course to help you on your journey. Take one, take two... it will be the best thing you ever did for your writing and most importantly the best money ever spent in your pursuit of writing.

Thank you, Pamela for a wonderful course, and thank you to my classmates whose thoughts and opinions I value.

Kylie Dufty 3 years ago

I learnt a lot about different aspects of writing. I have done some other AWC courses and my first one, Creative Writing Stage 1, was with Pamela. This course seemed to bring a lot of my previous learning together.

I definitely enjoyed the workshopping with others and feedback from Pamela. The Zoom meetings were a great way to do this.

I have gained the skills and confidence to get out of my own way and just sit down and write what I want to write. I realise it will be a lot of hard work, drafting and redrafting, but I have gained skills which will help me write a novel and get published. I lacked the belief in myself before.

If writing is your dream, AWC can teach you the skills, give you the confidence and inspiration to write. Thank you. I feel closer to my lifelong dream of being a writer than I ever have.

Valentina D. 3 years ago

I was drawn to the idea of workshopping with other like-minded people and learning to be comfortable with constructive criticism.

Stephen was very measured in his feedback. He was encouraging but also offered good suggestions at changes.

I've learned to appreciate constructive feedback. In fact, I found myself looking forward to hearing what people had to say about my writing so that I can continue to improve.

It helped me to decide which of the stories in my head I want to start writing and I'm determined to get a book finished. I'm also not afraid to tell people that I'm writing anymore. I've found a way to channel my creativity and I love that.

The weekly deadlines keep you accountable, the exercises challenge you and the feedback helps you improve. If this course doesn't get you writing, I'm not sure anything will.

Randa Mushcab 3 years ago

I appreciated that the tutors were veterans in the writing field and could provide real practical advice for any beginner writer.

The tutor was encouraging yet constructive. Alex provided great advice each week. I enjoyed listening to her weekly feedback.

I liked having an assessment to complete each week. It helped me to get out of 'listening' mode and begin practising from day 1.

This course was like a blueprint to becoming a freelance writer. Valerie has considered every possible step along the way and covered it with great advice.

This is a great course for anyone who is serious about a career in freelance writing.

Amy C. 3 years ago

I've been writing novels and short stories for a while and wanted to improve my writing to make my stories more engaging.

I have a severe visual impairment so I was a little unsure of how I'd access this course. However, I found the course very accessible, especially with the audio lessons and audible feedback.

I found my tutor very knowledgeable and encouraging. Their feedback was very helpful too.

I most enjoyed seeing my writing progressively improving over the time I was in this course.

This course has taught me different ways of looking at creating a story, from construction to completion. It has also made me more aware of using all the five senses in description.

Amelia Lewis 3 years ago

Lesley was an enthusiastic, clear and engaging presenter. Her feedback was considered and helpful.

The exercises were fun and complemented the course material well. I loved the advice about story arcs within a limited word count - it was very helpful to visualise this.

This course has given me the confidence to step out of my comfort zone and try something new - I completed my first chapter book manuscript.

If you're looking for something targeted and informative to help you engage young children with your writing, enrol in this course. You'll learn a lot! Thanks for a fun and informative course!

Janelle Adolphe 3 years ago

I was looking for a course online to support my current role. The course content was clearly defined and related to the areas in which I was seeking to improve as a writer.

The videos, the slide show presentation and downloads provided were easy to access from all mediums, namely my mobile phone, iPad and computer. The content was in-depth, with clear examples. In addition, the modules were sectioned in to short sessions making it effective time-wise, without being overwhelming.

I enjoyed the introductory videos presented by Paul, as the content was relatable and entertaining. I felt joy and excited to go through the module I was up to by his words of encouragement and sincerity. Loved the quotes.

I feel confident knowing I have the knowledge to write professional correspondence. I look forward to modifying my templates as per the guidelines provided.

Highly recommend. Well worth the time and money as the course content is spot on.

Natasha Minns 3 years ago

I was more interested in the Write Your Novel program, but figured I might as well start with a smaller commitment first and see what I thought of the course, and how I managed to find time for the course as well.

I was pleased to find that although I've been writing creatively for as long as I could remember, there were still things for me to learn in a structured creative writing course. Many of the things I critique in my own writing were the same things that the tutor was picking up, so that means I was already on the right track, and I appreciate the positive, encouraging way that this was done.

The course was well planned and thorough, presented by a tutor with solid industry experience, and is worth taking the time to do. The feedback was constructive but always positive. Most importantly, many careers require you to study to be successful, why not writing too? It just makes sense.

I am keen to do more courses, as time and funds permit, to assist my on my journey to completing my novel and preparing it for publication.

Emily S. 3 years ago

My Mum was doing some research and suggested I do this course, and I thought I could give it a go, since I do homeschooling anyway.

Amazing job, guys!!

I liked the audios most, actually. The person who spoke was easy to listen to and understand and I think she did a great job.

Oh, man, it's changed my whole perspective in writing in every way!!

Oof, the entire thing was like 'OMG I DID NOT KNOW THAT - AWESOME!'

Natalie Devlin 3 years ago

I am a Primary School teacher and have an avid interest in picture books. I would like to explore the possibility of writing picture books for children and use my teaching background to write books to help improve children's literacy and build a positive reading culture for young people. I thought that doing this course would help me in this endeavour, and it has.

Zanni was really positive and helped me move forward in my writing. I always value feedback and a critical eye as I feel it is the best way forward (in writing and life). I valued Zanni's feedback as she helped me discover aspects of my writing that are working well and where I need to exert myself more.

I really savoured the content in each module and absorbing the info about children's books. The course also 'forced' (in a good way) me to write more. I love a deadline so having a weekly assignment really helped.

This course really opened me up to the other side of picture books (I have the teacher perspective) but the author and publisher perspective was eye-opening for me. I didn't realise just how much goes into writing children's books.

If you want to build your skills and build your writing toolbox I strongly recommend you do a course through AWC – it will inspire you and assist you in your writing journey, whatever that is.

Thanks for a great course. I have completed a few courses through AWC and while I haven't had anything published yet, I do so love the course content and learning skills and connecting with likeminded people. It also influences what I read from time to time so the courses keep me interested and stimulated.

Alexis D. 3 years ago

I wanted to grow my writing skills and it was the only one available for my age group. I was looking for direction for my future career when I leave school.

I didn't really know what to expect in the course, but it was really thorough and the most detailed course I've ever done.

Allison Tait was a wonderful tutor, and she gave detailed answers to my questions. She gave in-depth feedback on my assignments and pointed out things that I hadn't thought about.

I loved the audios every Monday and the fact I was able to devote as much time as I did to writing. I enjoyed the story building blocks that challenged me to think about my story and how it was going to grow and what was required for me to get it to that stage.

I can now do basic planning for my stories and I know what is involved to make them interesting for readers. It was a big help being told that there is no right way to write.

Alex G 3 years ago

I enjoyed getting to learn more about the different elements of creative writing in-depth in a course that was designed for young, aspiring writers. I liked that it gave lots of advice and guidance, as well as opportunities to play around with ideas and develop your skills further. I also liked that you were able to work through the modules and exercises at your own pace.

The tutor was helpful and gave great guidance and insight. I also found them to be genuinely interested in their students and their stories.

I enjoyed the story building block modules, because it was fun to see a story gradually developing week by week, but I also enjoyed the other exercises where I could experiment with other ideas and story elements.

This course has had a significant impact on my writing, as it has given me more clear direction in relation to the writing process and what the necessary steps are for writing novels. It has emphasised how much time, effort and extensive thinking and planning is needed, both before, after and whilst you are writing, as well as the importance of redrafting.

Debbie Toomey 3 years ago

I've been wanting to write a novel for the past couple of years and did the basic creative writing course. When this course came up on special, I thought it was time to learn more.

I enjoyed the whole thing. I liked the examples and the presenter who made it very easy to understand and relate to.

The suggestions and ideas I learnt have made me rethink completely the relationships between some of my characters in my first novel draft.

I would recommend (and have!) Australian Writers' Centre courses to anyone interested in writing as they are motivational and very informative and enjoyable.


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