Jade Fernandes 3 years ago

The tutor was superb! I enjoyed the feedback and Bernadette's delivery style - she is very relatable, you feel like she is in the room!

I feel confident that I have found my new profession.

Bernadette commented that Copywriting is the perfect "fusion of art and science" and she also said that it's a good trade for someone who has done "a bit of this and that - Jack of all trades" which really resonated with me and where I am currently at.

The AWC is the best in the industry. Thank you!

Rhonda Ooi 3 years ago

Thank you so much. I was looking for a new direction and I think I found it! I was worried I would not be able to write, but I found ideas flowed easily.

The tutor was lovely. The feedback was detailed and helpful. I feel much more confident in my abilities and I think I found my new passion!

Just take the leap, you will not regret it! Thanks Zanni!

Fiona La Torre 3 years ago

I was recently made redundant, and was wanting to upskill in the area of marketing, which I have a degree in from many years ago. This course was recommended as a great way to do this. Plus, it was something that was new to me.

Bernadette was fantastic, entertaining and insightful. I found myself really enjoying the audios and I gained a lot of insight into the world of copywriting. Plus, she always provided valuable and detailed feedback, which I really appreciated.

Surprisingly, I enjoyed the homework assignments. I was a little nervous about doing 'homework' again after so long, but I thoroughly enjoyed being able to have a bit of fun, and be creative, with the assignments.

It made me realise that I still had a passion for writing, and that I would ideally like my next career path to be on the creative side. I could definitely see myself pursuing a career in copywriting.

The whole course was one major learning moment for me. Everything was new to me.
I had a positive learning experience with AWC. You will receive valuable information, taught within a supportive and easy to navigate online environment.

Emma Georgeson 3 years ago

I had done Novel Writing Essentials with Cathie earlier in the year and was keen to continue studying to take my manuscript to the next level.

I enjoyed meeting other aspiring writers and learning about their stories and forming friendships and a writing tribe.

It helped me form a writing routine that fit around my daily life and I loved how the audio lessons always demonstrated all writers are different. What works for one, doesn't work for others. The 'just keep going, don't stop' mentality. Focus on finishing the first draft so you can go back and fix everything after.

I have recommended you guys! I have a lovely friend doing your picture book course right now! When we were talking about your courses, I shared my experiences with her and encouraged her to go for it.

Gregor MacNamara 3 years ago

The tutor was excellent! Nicole's feedback was always spot on and I always went back to revise my work based on her comments.

It's given me confidence to keep writing and get past the first chapter.

An excellent way to kickstart writing. Highly recommended.

Alexandra Guest 3 years ago

I write regularly as part of my job and hope to add a communication element to my position in the future. This course was a good opportunity to brush up on the basics as part of my professional development.

The course was a great refresher on the use of apostrophes and some other grammar mistakes. I also have already implemented a detailed planning sheet for an upcoming presentation that we have to record. It has been helpful to plan and organise in advance to ensure the recording of the video will be as smooth as possible.

Highly recommend courses through the AWC. This is my second course, the first was for personal interests (Writing Picture Books) and the second for professional reasons (Professional Writing Course). Both courses have been well presented and great value for money.

Kym Walley 3 years ago

I have had a history project in mind for the past few years but have found I am stuck on how to begin. I'm a Virgo so I typically feel I "could do better". So instead of just jumping in and going, I procrastinate. I needed a mentor or motivator to get moving.

At points in the course, I started to cry with relief that I'm not the only goose who doesn't know how to get started in discovering their path in writing. I can now flip my feelings of aloneness to motivation to write. Thank you and big hugs.

I enjoyed the no-nonsense approach. It was like having Valerie sitting next to me and encouraging me on. I opened my laptop and started writing. I didn't even worry about Chapter 1. I just wrote a scene that's been in my head. If it turns into a full story, kudos to me. If not, then I will just keep writing what feels right.

Before thinking of starting a course anywhere else, find your feet by doing one of AWC's courses. You'll probably find you won't need to go anywhere else.

Kate Hungerford 3 years ago

I wanted to gain more knowledge about how to write a novel. I have a story floating in my head and would love to publish one day.

Nicole was uplifting in her feedback and she had some great tips. I enjoyed reading others' work and seeing their feedback expanded my knowledge of the topic.

The course content covers everything I needed to get my book moving. My teacher was very supportive and gave positive and constructive feedback.

Saffy Ossa 3 years ago

Louise Larkin was fantastic. So knowledgeable and obviously experienced in the genre. She was great at giving constructive feedback to ideas and very clear in the way she set out the information.

I enjoyed hearing other people's story ideas and being inspired by the different ways in which they wrote. I loved the breakout room and the availability to ask questions at any point.

Having already written 65k words and being completely confused and stuck, it took me back to the basics so that I could find my story again. My new understanding of structure and pace will help, I'm sure, to rewrite a much better story.

I had let the plot drive the story without thinking much about character and that was my biggest mistake starting out. I am so happy to have figured out this problem and be able to move forward with characters that I actually love writing.

David Rymer 3 years ago

Louise was fabulous! She rocked the balance between technical mastery and personal experience. I enjoyed the personal insights Louise shared.

I have a nearly completed manuscript and was looking for technical guidance specifically on writing thrillers, particularly around plotting, structure and pacing to help me polish the manuscript and ready it for the pitch phase.

I found the course's content really insightful, and the technical tips really, really made me think!

I realised some of the incremental edits I needed to make to my manuscript to give it more polish and take it to the next level.

The AWC is a fabulous, inspiring centre for anyone interested in understanding writing crime or thrillers and taking your manuscript through to publication.

Paul O'Doherty 3 years ago

I'd started a manuscript and did Novel Writing Essentials and told myself if my classmates enjoyed my story I would continue. Everyone seemed to love it and this inspired me to push myself forward and continue.

The support of my classmates and tutor was especially helpful in knuckling down and writing my novel. Knowing someone was going to be reading my work made me accountable and that all spurred me on to finish, and then revise. I feel satisfied that I've finished, but a little sad that I have to fly away and finish the manuscript by myself.

The tutor introduced herself as an expert and explained the various things she'd done and her specialties. This gave her immediate respect; her knowledge of genre conventions and what NOT to do was particularly insightful. Her approach to feedback was very genuine; she told you all the things she liked before hitting you with what wasn't working, and what you needed to work on. I like the approach of finding the positives rather than just telling you what needs fixing.

I enjoyed my classmates' comments and assessments. It was such a diverse mix of age and background and everyone always seemed to have some little nugget of wisdom for me. Also, learning the bits people liked really helped me along, and of course what they disliked, because I have to go away and work on those areas. But it was in examining those areas that made me grow the most.

The final manuscript assessments nearly made me cry simply because I realised my story had made an impact on someone else. People were gaining all sorts of insights and growth from some of my storylines and characters in ways I'd never even imagined.

If you've always wanted to write a book, you need to give yourself a push and upskill yourself. There are techniques and processes you can learn to develop a craft which will get you to a full manuscript. In the past I felt I just wrote without a clear idea of how to do it and hoped I'd have an A-ha moment. The course showed me what I needed to change which I never could have done alone.

Once I could see my work slowly improve with each revision, the ideas started to flow on how I could improve my story. Learning what to exclude by virtue of my classmates' feedback also helped me grow and gave me a stronger awareness of what I needed to include.

Gill Thomas 3 years ago

I took quite a few ideas away from the course which are helping me complete my manuscript.

The tutor certainly knows her stuff and was good and fun to listen to.

I enjoyed interactions with other writers, the hints shared, and the tutor's methods and explanations

It helped me to focus more on what my manuscript was missing. I feel confident I can now do a final write through and complete it. Also linking up with other writers - we have now continued the group ourselves.

Highly recommend joining the AWC as there is just so much to learn and help you in your journey to be a writer. I have attended several courses and am looking for my next one. Really helps to keep me focused.

Kenji Strazdins 3 years ago

I needed to revise the plot for both the mid-section and climax of my novel.

Louise Larkin was great with feedback; she made it useful and made you feel great at the same time! Loved her approach.

I enjoyed the interaction with my fellow crime/thriller writers.

Lucia Alesiani 3 years ago

I wanted to learn more about how to write Fantasy and Science Fiction. I was nervous about doing a course via Zoom as I hadn't done this before, but it was good; I felt comfortable.

Pamela put me at ease. I enjoyed having her as a tutor. She has a wealth of knowledge about the genre and I enjoyed her jokes.

I enjoyed listening to everyone's ideas for their novels. I enjoyed learning about world building, non-human characters, and how to build a magical system.

I feel like I understand better what is involved in writing a spec-fiction novel and I have some tools to help me improve my writing.

I love the courses offered at the Australian Writers' Centre. I keep coming back for more. They are unique and I learn new things each time.

Suzanne Bowditch 3 years ago

I was attracted to the course because I'm writing a historical fantasy novel. Pamela was a wealth of knowledge and very helpful. I enjoyed sharing my writing.

I've learned a lot more about the fantasy genre. I realised that my novel is a historical fantasy genre, not a sci-fi book!

The teacher is helpful and informative and you'll learn heaps. The course is an opportunity to discuss with other writers and to workshop your writing.

Kathryn Dalziel 3 years ago

I completed both the Copywriting Essentials and SEO Copywriting courses with Bernadette and loved her teaching style and method. The information has proven invaluable, and this course was the next logical step to starting my own copywriting business.

Bernadette is a fantastic tutor and delivers information in a clear, concise, easy to understand way. I found her feedback incredibly useful and it's helped me gain a better understanding of how to formulate words into great copy.

I enjoyed learning from Bernadette's wealth of knowledge and interacting with other future copywriters.

It hasn't even been six months since I started the set of copywriting courses with AWC and already I'm on my way - I've had four jobs so far and I'm so thrilled - it feels really real!

DO IT! You absolutely won't regret it.

Karen Kepert 3 years ago

I loved the Writing Picture Books class but felt like I needed to learn more.

The tutor was very easy to understand. I enjoyed the satisfaction of knowing what to do next and the confidence that I had the information I needed.

I've just sent my first picture book off to an illustrator.

Colleen Ricci 3 years ago

Zanni is a friendly, knowledgeable and generous tutor. Her feedback method was great. I enjoyed reading everyone's stories along with her and hearing the feedback. She was always positive, honest and respectful.

I enjoyed having a commitment to writing and editing. It was very satisfying, especially honing the work from one week to the next.

It has helped me realise that I can commit to writing something creative from start to finish. Also, that a small daily commitment can bring about big results. That perseverance has payoffs.

Kate Hamill 3 years ago

Bernadette was very welcoming and knowledgeable, and her feedback was honest in heplping me to become a better writer.

Whilst I'm normally shy, this course bought me out of my shell a little more, being able to discuss writing with my fellow students. At the time, it was daunting to critique other students' work and have them critique mine, but as we went along I found that it made me look at my writing in a different way.

It has enabled me to think of the different areas we studied in a different way. Before the course, I didn't put much thought into the pace and structure of my novel but now I know how important it is.

I would say that it helped my writing, and I enjoyed how the other students interpreted the writing exercises.

Most of all I had fun. By the end of the course, I didn't want it to end! Now to find the next chapter of my writing career.

Olivia Nankivell 3 years ago

AMAZING content from Bernadette. It was concise, interesting, and practical.

Bernadette was fabulous. She made the effort to provide detailed feedback every single week.

I enjoyed the practicality of the content. I found myself glued to the screen and frantically taking notes! Every single module was extremely detailed, yet easy to understand. Bernadette created a complete snapshot of each module and reiterated important points. I loved her real-world examples and how she drew from her own experience as well.

I feel more confident to write words that sell products and ideas. As someone who wants to move into the environmental/sustainability space, I believe these skills will be useful to change hearts and minds.

I would say if you want to write in the digital space, sell products and ideas with words, or create motivating copy - this is the course for you.

Thank you so much.


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