Jocelyn Watts 3 years ago

This course not only covered what I wanted to know about SEO, but it also revealed other opportunities worth exploring. The tutor was excellent!

I enjoyed the wealth of information provided.

It's given me some direction on how to move forward with my website which has been in limbo since my husband died seven years ago. Working through the nuts and bolts of SEO revealed a focus for my website that's worth further investigation.

Learning about SEO copywiting is worth it, even if becoming a copywriter isn't your main goal. Having broad knowledge of the topic is valuable in many ways.

Victoria Ryan 3 years ago

The structured 30 day plan was very helpful. This course kept me focused. It helped me push through the days I didn’t feel like writing and allowed me to make time for short sessions. It’s not a big ask time-wise but it adds up quickly.

It’s a great place to get started; the AWC has content other writing courses don’t.

Vivian Michael 3 years ago

I enjoyed the stories. I absorbed everything easily because of the combination of audio and text. After a long work day, I played audio while following the text easily and got through it quickly because the content is inspirational and engaging.

I love the motivational aspects, the fact that the writers had varied backgrounds. I especially loved hearing about the lawyer turned children's writer. I repeatedly heard about flexibility of earning an income and travelling and I like this idea.

The courses are engaging, easy to fit into my busy work schedule running a law firm, and worth the money. Very glad I got started and look forward to completing many more courses.

Claudia Bonazzi 3 years ago

This course reflected exactly what I was looking for: a general overview on Copywriting from someone specialised in the field. The flexibility was also perfect.

Definitely Bernadette is a well-suited tutor for this course and gives a lot of insights on the job, which I found very useful. She is very knowledgeable, helpful and her handouts were a godsend!

I really appreciated sharing opinions and points of view with fellow classmates and the chance to ask direct questions to the tutor. Also receiving feedback was something you're always excited about.

I feel like it made the whole writing process more approachable, easy, and smooth to begin with. Moreover it sure improved my confidence and made my copy more results-oriented.

Take the course because it will give you a 360° view on copywriting, it will test your abilities, and will most certainly improve your assets. Hopefully, it will also be a starting point for you to go deeper into it if you're really interested. Bernadette speaks from experience which is the best way to learn!

Amelia Lewis 3 years ago

I haven't come across another writing course which explicitly analyses and teaches humour in this way.

This course gave me the confidence to start dabbling in funny middle-grade fiction, but also indirectly improved my picture book writing. In fact, an idea I came up with during one of Tim's suggested brainstorming exercises actually turned into a hilarious picture book which has been picked up by a publisher (a first for me!)

Tim Harris knows funny! He has crafted a course which unpacks humour in an easy-to-grasp, insightful way, and his delivery literally made me laugh out loud. I'm finishing this course knowing a wee bit more about toilet humour, ready to put my characters through hell for the sake of a joke, totally understanding recurring humour and totally understanding recurring humour. See? I'm so much funnier now. Thanks, Tim!

Heather Poppelier 3 years ago

I found the weekly presentations very interesting, well delivered and with great supporting resources.

It was fantastic to learn a new skill and engage my brain - especially since I have been on reduced hours for many months now due to COVID. The course gave me something to focus on and direct my energies into.

It has given me the courage to pursue copywriting as a career. While it still seems very daunting, I feel that it is possible and achievable thanks to the repeated encouragement and demystification of the field by Bernadette.

Great online platform and easy to work to the module deadlines. Simple and effective delivery.

Vasantha B 3 years ago

Bernadette has been a great tutor. Every word she spoke was very reassuring and encouraging. Particularly the feedback was very informative and educational.

Each module was well designed and structured. The assignments and feedback were most enjoyable.

I have learnt how to write for others to read. I can't wait to start my journey as a copywriter.

Selma Papapavlou 3 years ago

I've always wanted to know more about copywriting and whether it was an industry and career I could further pursue but didn't want to do a degree and spend years studying it. I was looking for a short course. This was an introductory, 5-week course that only required a few hours a week. It didn't feel intimidating. It was perfect for a novice like me. Also, I could fit it in with my schedule of being a 1st time mum with an active toddler and not spend hours doing so.

I loved it! I finally found my calling and would love to further explore this industry. The tutor was real. Her real-life knowledge was helpful. I think she would be someone you could easily approach if you had any queries about this industry.

SEO intrigued me. I would like to learn more. Also what surprised me was what I was capable of producing in such a tight time frame.

I found my calling! I want to further pursue copywriting. I am kicking myself that I DIDN'T DO THIS SOONER! I wish I did it in my 20s! Or even a few years ago! There's no time like the present and NOW I want to further develop my skills and eventually work as a freelancer. I have a LOT to learn! I have never felt more certain and excited about what I want to do for a living.

I think I had my "aha" moment when I completed my 1st assessment. It didn't feel daunting or difficult. It felt enjoyable and exciting. I gained clarity. I thought, "I can do this. I can actually see myself doing this for a living.”

The AWC has short courses that you are able to fit into your busy life and still feel like you've learned new skills and achieved something productive.

Thank you for continuously sending me email mailers. Eventually something clicked and I made it all work!

Megan Daniher 3 years ago

Listening to the podcast "So you want to be a writer" and the ep with Bernadette really piqued my interest. I decided to dig deeper into what copywriting was and the more I found out the more interested I have become. Natural progression was to book into this course.

The course has over-delivered for me. The tutor was approachable and professional. Each module was well planned and varied with no unnecessary overlapping.

I now want to pursue a career in copywriting. 100% enjoyed this course, thank you.

Nikki Dennis 3 years ago

Bernadette did a great job of opening my eyes to the world of SEO without being too technical and taking away from what I like best, the writing part.

I think Bernadette's approach was very friendly and informative. The course was full of practical info presented in a clear manner and demonstrated well with examples. Feedback was detailed and helpful.

It's really opened my eyes to the possibilities of a copywriting business. I've always liked writing, now I can hopefully make some more money from it!

The course has shown me how to create another revenue stream for my consulting business doing something I love.

Definitely go for it, you won't be disappointed.

Ayana Noble 3 years ago

I loved this course and all that it contained. My online tutor is brilliant and addressed every aspect of writing.

The design of the course is amazing. To the point. The tutor is brilliant, and the peer interaction invaluable. It was faultless.

The course revealed much about myself and my life and writing to me. I am humbled. Upon reflection, it's hard to say what one specific 'aha!' moment was for me. There were many.

This course is invaluable, no matter what you write. Thank you.

Jude Anison 3 years ago

I knew about AWC from Furious Fiction, and have entered a few over the past 18 months or so. But I've had a novel in mind, stopped/started over the past 7-8 years. I knew I had to do something like this though, or it would just remain a dream.

I had the usual self-doubt, with imposter syndrome kicking in early. But I managed to get over that. It's been brilliant.

Bron was great. My second submission consisted of a pretty intense couple of scenes. She gave me nothing but positive feedback and encouragement. And interestingly, everyone else's feedback was remarkably similar to hers.

I enjoyed the chance to read other people's work, see the issues and challenges they are wrestling with, and hopefully give them the positive feedback that helps them with their writing.

I think it's given me the confidence to think yes, I can do this thing. And produce something I think I'll be happy with.

I've written (non fiction) for a living for decades. I've learnt so much from this course. If you want to be a better writer, do it!

Rachel Nickless 3 years ago

The course was very well structured with very engaging lectures and I enjoyed the creativity kickstarter too. Overall the course was professional and well put together for an online experience.

Pamela clearly knows her stuff and was encouraging. She gave a lot of great feedback to the class and I learned from that.

There was a lot to enjoy about the course - I loved getting out of my comfort zone and learning about the mechanics of writing. The explanation that this course was like a building course versus a literature course at uni being like architecture was spot on. I also enjoyed connecting with other students and the videos about other writers in Creativity Kickstarter was inspiring - I bought all 3 of Sarah Bailley's books after watching/hearing her interviews!

I definitely improved my writing by doing this course. Thank you. It's made me want to be a creative writer even more, and start to narrow down what I want to write about. At the same time, it has highlighted to me just how much I still have to learn and how much sheer hard work I will have to put in. Journalistic writing is quite natural for me now - this is a totally different ball game!

Frankie Pinch 3 years ago

Alex was generous with her knowledge and kind to us as students. Her feedback was grounded, practical & encouraging. I enjoyed the lessons, practices and set tasks.

I feel more confident and ready to pitch ideas. I learned about pitching several years ago with Valerie but feared the process. This time I feel ready and I’m not as fearful of the outcome, good or bad, if my idea is sound and the techniques are in check.

Just dive in whatever your writing goals or interests! I would add that the courses I have completed have given me the skills and confidence to get going and if I can, you can too.

A big thank you!!

Maria Alessandrino 3 years ago

I was a bit concerned about time (juggling a baby and work) but found that the audio really helped with this and it was nice to have a reason to set time aside for the reading and assignments.

Allison was great - her feedback was always clear and helpful and she always offered suggestions or different directions to try.

It has pushed me back into a writing routine. It's a great way to learn new skills and get your writing on track.

Jürgen Stahl 3 years ago

Excellent! Pamela was thorough, quick, critical and encouraging at the same time!

I enjoyed the feedback from Pam and classmates, the design of the course, and the handouts.

It got me into a writing habit, 500 words a day, no matter what.

An excellent course to get started, very much a ‘hands-on’ (bum on seat) course. Already signed up for 2 follow-up programmes so there you go!

Anna Thomson 3 years ago

Kate was exceptionally generous and very helpful. Professional, knowledgeable, kind and constructive.

I enjoyed the focus on each separate step of novel construction and editing. I had a bit of an epiphany as a result of session two on the nuts and bolts structure of my novel and what I needed to change. And also discussion of the novel with Kate, which was both encouraging and realistic.

A great big thank you to Kate! It was a brilliant course. I've been waiting to do it for two years and it was everything I had hoped for and more.

Astrid Keir-Stanley 3 years ago

I had heard really great things about this course from a number of published authors in podcasts, interviews etc. They mentioned that this was their 'go to' course to learn about all things picture books.

Zanni provided amazing considered and helpful feedback. She's clearly very dedicated and passionate about picture books and is willing to pass on her knowledge in a very helpful way. I really enjoyed listening to Zanni and hearing her feedback about the participants' stories.

The course is exceptional and so is Zanni as an instructor. It was very helpful to learn about the technical aspects of picture book writing, particularly about the structure and pagination.

I always thought it was hard to understand the concept of 'show don't tell' but having completed this course I really have a much better grasp of this!

Don't bother writing a picture book until you have completed this course.

Stephanie Rogulic 3 years ago

I have been wanting to refine and improve my skill as a writer in this genre. I had no idea how little I knew, very grateful.

The tutor was honest and careful in reading our assessments. Very good.

I learned a lot about how important it is to keep up with the times when writing children’s literature.

TJ Edwards 3 years ago

Kate Forsyth is a career author and this gives her words and methods weight. I'd also heard countless great things about the course and seen Kate talk on many occasions.

Kate is not only extremely knowledgeable but overwhelmingly generous with her time. She was very honest and upfront with her opinions and feedback, but this allowed us to trust her more. I enjoyed Kate as a presenter and how well the notes were laid out.

Even while participating in NaNoWriMo, I've found my latest draft to be cleaner already and both chapters start much better than I usually would have. Also, paying attention to voice (both narrative and character) is making the story have a lot more of an impact.

This course is a must for people such as myself who don't have a writing background or experience with an editor.

Thus far I've taken a number of courses face-to-face, at my own pace, and via zoom, and all of them were tremendous value for money with some truly experienced and professional authors. If you're nervous about spending the money, start small and work your way up to the bigger, more intense courses!

Thanks folks for supporting authors in the way that you do. From the Podcast, to the Community, and obviously these classes taught by industry professionals and experts, I feel much closer to achieving my dream of becoming a published author than ever before.


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