Wendy McCartney 2 months ago

Not only did the course meet my expectations, it far exceeded them. The segments were thoroughly thought out, extremely well organised with great breadth as well as depth.

An excellent, thorough guide to travel writing. You will be so impatient to get started after completing this journey.

Toria Macgregor 2 months ago

Mark is a deeply knowledgeable and experienced copywriter.

I enjoyed learning in bite-sized chunks. It was daunting at first to submit assignments each week, but in the end it was an extremely valuable practice in perfecting your skills and trying new things.

The course had an impact on my writing in many ways! Bringing more focus to the headlines (what works, what doesn't) and the beauty of using linking words. Plus, practical tips on finding and nurturing potential new clients. I'm impressed with the wealth of handouts provided, which I'm already putting to good use.

Today I landed another big copywriting job! Although this new job was already in the pipeline, doing this course has certainly given me the confidence and know-how to take my writing to the next level and achieve real results for my clients. Thank you!

Jodie Fitzsimons 2 months ago

Margaret was lovely and knowledgeable and she gave very constructive, yet encouraging, feedback to the entire group.

I enjoyed the homework and getting the feedback.

The course has definitely encouraged me to keep going and shown me tips and rules around how to improve my current manuscripts.

Stephanie Pearce 2 months ago

I really liked the way Nat provided feedback; it makes you think about what you have written, or what you were trying to write, and how you could make it better. Her tips were gratefully received.

I enjoyed the fact that I actually wrote something! I really enjoyed reading my classmates' pieces as well, receiving their feedback and also providing feedback, which I am sure helped my own learning.

Anything is possible, you just need to start. I was excited when I went back to one of my assignments and thought 'did I write that?' So now I know I can and that I just need to go for it! Get it out, get it down, knowing that I can perfect it later. I think I have finally found my creativity!

If you ever felt like you would like to write, this is the place to start!

Kescia Ball 2 months ago

I feel more confident in shaping multi-faceted characters. I'm considering using the handouts to jot down the character traits of interesting people I meet to use as inspiration.

This is a practical course that will set you up with frameworks for developing true-to-life characters your readers will love and/or loathe.

Nicholas Sue See 2 months ago

The course was originally a way to flex my creative muscles for the first time in a long while. As it progressed, it also helped me develop a few ideas that popped into my head as well.

I was worried it would be too daunting or overwhelming but I found it to be a good amount of work. Enough to be engaged but not so much that I felt intimidated.

I found the spread of topics really fantastic and feel that everything I would want to be covered WAS. I didn't complete all of the assignments but feel I still had a fantastic experience and want to continue in the future when my life clears up a little bit.

Petronella was fantastic. She was engaging and constructive in really helpful ways.

I found the handouts and bonus activity printouts to be especially helpful and thorough in practice. I also enjoyed getting to hear assignment feedback.

It has reignited my creativity and has helped me come up with story and character ideas that I'm excited to explore.

It is beginner-friendly enough to be welcoming and not intimidating while at the same time being really in-depth and well-rounded topic-wise.

R Mason 2 months ago

I enjoyed the breakdown of the different elements (of storytelling and building a character) and the examples (and how diverse those examples were). I also enjoyed Pamela's passion about the topic.

A great way to build your writing foundation or build on your writing foundation, and better understand not only the story writing elements but where you need to strengthen your skills as well as proving tools to do that.

Samantha 3 months ago

Nat did a great job of giving objective feedback and providing some really useful tips and tricks.

I enjoyed the assignments and realising I can still write.

I'm now clearer which genres I prefer to read (and to write). I also have realised that I have many stories in me which seem to come from nowhere!

It's a great way to ease yourself into writing, even if you've never written before, and it will give you the confidence to continue after the course has finished.

Katie 3 months ago

Bernadette was really helpful and provided great feedback.

I enjoyed getting feedback from my classmates and getting new ideas for my story. I came into the class with an idea for my story and left with a completely transformed story that took on a life of its own.

The Novel Writing Essentials course is really helpful if you're looking for support getting started.

Megan Goehring 3 months ago

It ticked all the boxes for me: regular Zoom sessions, direction and deadlines!

Bernadette was lovely, encouraging, fair, professional, patient and supportive.

I'm now set to put pen to paper on my chapter book for 6-9 year olds.

Dianne 3 months ago

Bernadette was very positive and uplifting however was also able to give constructive feedback confidently. I think she made the entire class feel at ease.

I enjoyed the fortnightly meetings the most. Listening to the feedback from fellow students, which was very helpful and hearing Bernadette's comments

It's definitely improved my writing and increased the likelihood that I try to write something substantial.

Amanda Barnier 3 months ago

I very much enjoyed the structure of the course including the fortnightly zoom calls with detailed feedback and workshopping. I also appreciated the range of different exercises, many that were organised hierarchically or conceptually so I could develop my skills.

I enjoyed the opportunity to adapt the exercises each module to my work in progress, which meant I was making progress towards the entry requirements for Novel Writing Essentials. I also enjoyed the feedback sessions, including the feedback and questions about my work and others' work; I learned a lot from this. Finally, I found the plotting/planning exercise in module 6 very, very helpful as I start the Novel Writing Essentials course tomorrow, which I was always planning to do. This course made me more confident to jump straight into the next step, and I bring with me an almost completed synopsis plus draft scenes.

The course has definitely helped me to get out of my head (and my researching) and produce drafts more quickly and effectively. Bernadette's feedback also has highlighted important higher level elements to aim for, rather than my obsessing down in the details. For instance, thinking about point of view or structure rather than just micro word choices.

I realised that I could write more quickly and fluently as I completed these exercises each week. Prior to starting the course, I'd been a bit scared to commit to the page in case I wasn't doing it correctly. But this course has helped me to just write something and see how it goes.

As a lifelong reader, I assumed that I knew how to write a book since I write all the time in my job. But I have valued the opportunity to learn the science and art of creative writing. The AWC courses have helped me to understand the mechanics of writing as well as the heart and soul. I feel better equipped to work towards my goal of writing my novel.

Joanne Vernon 3 months ago

I've had a novel idea in my head for several years now with several half-hearted attempts to get it started. I recently made the decision to get serious and I knew that I had a lot to learn. I like how the course provides you with exercises and feedback, as well as the ability to progress and build on what you've learnt in further courses.

I found the feedback really helpful and encouraging, it's definitely helped with my confidence. It's also helped me to take some of the 'mystery' out of writing - there's key things to be mindful of when writing a scene, for example, to enhance the reader experience (and understanding!)

Jenny was wonderful, and consistently offered both encouragement and constructive feedback.

It's helped me to reaffirm my desire to write my novel, and helped me feel better about seeking out support with this.

Ellinda Corbisiero 3 months ago

Bernadette was great. Very warm and welcoming. Gave good feedback but made me feel comfortable at the same time.

I enjoyed the assessments. I like how they gave me the chance to put things into practice in simple ways.

It's given me confidence!

Merilyn Spratling 3 months ago

Jennifer is a very positive person with a lot of experience who provided articulate helpful feedback. She was great.

The lectures were informative and the speaker was clear and content interesting with real life examples.

I think I might be able to write!!

Nele Cordonni 3 months ago

The tutor was awesome!! Very caring and encouraging person. Thank you for giving great feedback in a positive way!!

I enjoyed the variety of things to focus on when working on the assignments.

Great courses, great tutors.

Genine Wood 3 months ago

The handouts were great and listening to the explanations really helped. The extra Zoom meetings were fantastic as so many questions were asked and answered which made my understanding deeper.

It has given me a belief in myself and my writing. I now know I'm on the right track and can go forward with confidence and look at other writing courses to keep me on track.

The AWC is a wealth of information with compassionate and helpful tutors and a safe learning space for anyone.

Neil Cockroft 3 months ago

I liked the content, which was pitched at the right level for an aspiring but novice writer with little experience. I hoped it would provide a stimulus to start writing and overcome inertia / blockage - which it did.

The course provided more technical guidance than I had hoped for. The online delivery modes worked well for me - handout, audio, video. Being motivated into APPLYING new learning immediately was invaluable, as was the timely feedback.

Nat was great. Her feedback was much more specific and personalised than I expected (= a lot of work for her, given numerous participants), and always delivered in a very constructive, encouraging, supportive way. Great job, thank you Nat!

I enjoyed having the opportunity and being encouraged to use my imagination. I realised how seldom I do this currently, in everyday life. As I result, I feel very energised to find ways of doing that regularly from now on.

It has provided the inspiration and confidence-building for me to start writing - and KEEP writing. I recognise that success (whatever that looks like individually) requires time, commitment and perseverance. This work can (and should be) fun, as well as challenging!

If you want to write (or write more and/or better) AWC probably has a course for you - and it will be delivered in a very user-friendly way.

Sincere thanks for your help.

Kiara Conaghan 3 months ago

Alex provided fantastic feedback each week that really helped you to improve. She was very informative; I enjoyed receiving the feedback over video as well. She provided ideas and suggestions that were always beneficial, and gave a mix of constructive and positive criticism so that you felt supported and positive the whole way through.

I truly appreciate the emphasis in the course that it is possible to get published. Too often there is an assumption that any creative industry is so competitive there's no point even trying, but this course constantly challenged that stigma, and it made it an even more positive experience.

I enjoyed the assignments! I enjoyed being able to explore an article idea the whole way through, to get a glimpse of how it feels writing articles and going through the process in the industry. The assignments really do mimic the process quite well, so you don't feel like you're doing everything for the first time.

I have a far clearer idea of what I'm going to do in this industry, the kinds of articles I want to write, and a greater trust in myself to be able to do the right research, ask for interviews, etc. The discussion around including smaller details and beautiful lyrical writing showed how fun this can be.

AWC provides exceptionally informative courses that provide practical, real world skills. They use plenty of informative examples, including examples of graduates from the courses to show that their courses work. The courses are flexible, can be worked into any busy routine, they're very affordable and have more variety than any other educator provider I've found in Australia.

Mary dos Santos 3 months ago

Pamela always delivers clear, easy to follow information and ideas. She structures her delivery and presents well.

The information and exercises regarding characters were excellent. Enjoyed thinking about my characters and trying to develop them further.

I feel I understand the area of YA fiction more and the course has given me confidence about my ideas for a novel. I'm looking forward to developing those ideas based on Pamela's presentations.

The Australian Writers' Centre is an amazing source of inspiration. The level of training in their many courses and the professionalism with which each course is presented is outstanding. Each course that I have completed is a goldmine! If you want to write, AWC is well worth considering for support, and sound, relevant teaching.


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