Helen Blunden 2 months ago

I looked forward to every module, the assignment and the work sheets. I learned a lot of new things I wasn't aware about.

The tutor was fantastic. Very detailed and approachable. I liked how she provided such in-depth feedback and I listened to every session for every person's feedback. She was also encouraging.

I enjoyed listening to the podcasts while going for my walk and getting ideas for my assignment.

Karen Casley 2 months ago

My tutor was very lovely and organised and knowledgeable. I felt she was very experienced and had a genuine interest in everyone's story telling. She was very encouraging with very helpful suggestions.

I understand the workings of picture books so much more. The course is explained beautifully and concisely. Great care has been taken to explain everything in great detail and cover important information in the process of writing and publishing children's picture books. All this brings understanding, inspiration and confidence.

The online program works beautifully and is easy to follow. Valerie Khoo is a great narrator and easy to listen to. The program is very well thought out.

De Villiers Keet 2 months ago

Being a complete novice when it came to romance, but wanting to try my hand at it, I felt that the AWC was a great place to get the tools I need for this genre, and to also elevate my writing as a whole. The fact that it came with an exclusive Facebook group and some live Zoom sessions made the deal all that much sweeter.

I was a bit hesitant as a male writer that I might feel a little out of place among the predominantly female writers and readership. But I can gladly say that everyone was more than welcoming and friendly. I needn't have worried at all.

It gave me the confidence both that this is a genre worth pursuing, and that if I put my mind and effort to it, becoming a published author is something that is actually achievable.

The organisers at AWC have a genuine passion for the art and craft of writing and are truly geared towards helping fellow writers achieve success. They provide the extra personal touch, even in courses that are self-paced. Their courses have depth, both in theory and in practical, useable knowledge. They are truly made for writers, by writers.

Rosie Cho 2 months ago

Mark was great. Really helpful and detailed, and approachable too. The assignments were a great chance to put skills in to practice!

It has given me more confidence and a drive to pursue writing more seriously.

The calibre of courses is excellent and great value for money.

Winston Synaphet 2 months ago

Really happy with the content delivery from both lecture videos and Mark's feedback on assessments. He provided insightful feedback.

I now can write engaging headlines and know about the structure of good copy.

100% do this course. It's super helpful because of the examples it shows you which will elevate your content writing game.

Ostend Sabey 2 months ago

The way it was structured enabled me to build my knowledge from the basics to the more complex at my own pace.

I now remember the things lost to me through the sands of time.

Angharad von Grae 2 months ago

Margaret Whiskin was lovely and offered helpful feedback. I found the assessments enjoyable and learnt a lot from them.

It's made me more confident in writing and showing others. Accepting feedback and having hope for a successful future.

Great for learning about the industry and helpful that you can do online and in your own time. Helpful for learning the important basics.

Thank you to Margaret and AWC. I will definitely be back in the future.

Penny Harris 2 months ago

I am a published children's author and script writer but wanted to do this course to get feedback and give me the discipline to write what I have thought about for a number of years.

Cathie Tasker was excellent and her feedback was very helpful.

The course has made me think of myself as a writer. Despite having previously written books, I lacked the commitment.

If you want to write, this AWC course is excellent.

Jude Mullen 2 months ago

The course was exactly what I needed to help me overcome the sense of overwhelm I was feeling about writing a novel, due to the length of it. It also gave me a much better understanding of the narrative arc and the key elements in the structure of a novel.

Kate's examples were excellent. She was very clear in her explanations, and it was obvious that she was speaking from her own experience as well her extensive knowledge of the structure and elements of fiction writing.

I had always found starting my writing quite daunting and although I really wanted to write a novel, the thought of creating such a large piece of writing was overwhelming. Now, rather than beginning with the terrifying blank page, Kate has given me a structure that gently leads me into my writing in an organised and systematic way. I have a sense of direction about where my story is headed and how I'm going to get there right from the start. I now feel confident that I have the tools to get all the way to the end of the first draft without giving up halfway through, with plenty of space for creativity and embellishment along the way. I feel excited about my writing and I look forward to it every time I sit down to write.

For me it is what I needed most in order to move forward with writing my novel. I have ideas, I know that I can write, I understand characters and scenes and so on, but I just didn't have a 'plan of attack' that worked and was time efficient. This course has given me that plan.

Jennifer Anderson 2 months ago

I really thought it was so valuable, the feedback was really helpful, and connecting with some of the students offline was an added bonus.

The tutor was great. I liked her approach, direct but also very supportive and encouraging.

I'm feeling more courageous, and like I can really write a book/s as I've always wanted to.

There really is no hard and fast rule to begin a book. I've always sat and been stuck because I've thought I had to begin at the beginning, and now I realise I can start anywhere really - just start though!

The course is helpful and just helps you get your act together and write! I also think it is very reasonably priced for a 5 week, and tutor led course.

Thank you, and especially to Margaret who I thought was great and her feedback was relatable and she was inclusive and considerate.

Bethany Koh 2 months ago

This course rekindled my love of writing and being able to learn so much about it was fantastic. It has inspired me to keep writing and creating stories to give hope to YA readers.

Character development is really the key for YA and so important for readers to want to keep reading.

You can learn so much in such an engaging manner and it really is so inspiring as well as interesting.

Mary dos Santos 2 months ago

This information was extremely helpful and has given me more direction for my writing.

I enjoyed learning what to avoid in writing an action scene. Invaluable!!

AWC always offers good value for money. The focus is on developing writing and the writer. The courses and presenters are professional and caring.

G- ma 2 months ago

I particularly enjoy Pamela's approach to presentation and handouts. For me no improvements are required.

Made me think and review my style. It change some of my fundamental beliefs in this area.

Any course with Pamela is worth considering.

Karen Payne 2 months ago

I have entered numerous short story and flash fiction competitions and been long-listed twice and highly commended once, but have not progressed any further. I decided to try this seminar first, to sharpen up my skills.

Pamela Freeman knows her stuff. She is always entertaining and opens up a much deeper perspective to the course content.

I will now go back through my work and look for action scenes that need more work. Then I will submit them to other writing competitions.

AWC courses are professionally organised and presented, there are numerous topics to choose from and your writing will improve in ways you don't expect.

Philippa Geaney 2 months ago

I'd done Creative Writing Stage 1 and it amazed me; my 'wordsmithing' ability improved beyond my expectations. I'm still working on the learning I was given. Action has always been a little like trying to perform a deft juggling act. No circus trick here. So when I saw it advertised by a learning centre I trust - I enrolled. Pamela's obvious enthusiasm and her knowledge shone throughout the seminar. Thanks.

I enjoyed the concise pathway Pamela led us on. Stone upon stone - or should I say 'blow by blow'. The great Q&A helped too.

Gail Killen 2 months ago

It was well presented and answered all my questions and some questions I didn't know I needed to ask.

It was just the right length and the presenter knew what she was talking about.

This gave me a better understanding of action scenes and how to enrich them on the page for my readers and not to write them just for my entertainment.

The session was interesting, well presented and covered everything I would expect and more.

Danielle Drummond 2 months ago

I actually got some really good tips about writing action scenes but it also confirmed some of the things I already do as being helpful. Pamela was knowledgeable and really lovely and addressed everyone's questions.

It really got me thinking about what I had written and I how to improve it to make it more impactful.

Robyn Wilson 2 months ago

Grant was enthusiastic and passionate about the topic. He really knew what he was talking about, and this came through very clearly.

I enjoyed the flow of the program. It was fast paced but there was still time for questions and reflection.

I now know what resources I could be using when I edit and it has excited me or re-awakened my passion for grammar!

You will find so many opportunities to learn and grow in your writing and editing skills with AWC courses. So easy to connect with Zoom. Everything was so well done. Thank you.

Claire Tarelli 2 months ago

Really enjoyed the two online meetups, and the connection to other writers via workshopping throughout. Nat is a great tutor and gave fantastic advice and direction. She was experienced and offered meaningful and useful direction and advice.

I enjoyed the expert tuition, the positivity and encouragement, the weekly podcasts and the accountability.

I am much more focused on getting the first draft finished and have made significant progress during the course by prioritising it above all else. I just hope I can maintain the momentum now!

We are all writers - when Nat said this, I switched over to being a writer, rather than someone who is fitting in writing around everything else.

Brilliant experience - would highly recommend. I'm sad it's finished, but will still go back over the podcasts to help maintain focus and motivation and will keep in touch with the other writers.

Fernanda Lima 2 months ago

The course goes straight to the point. I like that! It is very easy to understand.

I am aware what I can and cannot write. I printed all the tip sheets, and I am keeping on my desk! :)

I have already recommended it to a few friends. I would say that it is a great course, easy to learn, easy to access and cheap...


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