Rosie McMahon 2 months ago

I have learned a huge amount doing this course. It has inspired me to not only finish the novel I'm writing but seek out more about the whole industry and learning much more.

Pamela provided useful feedback throughout the course, where to focus and what might be some potential stumbling blocks. She is an experienced author with lots of knowledge and an amazing resource.

I enjoyed workshopping with other aspiring writers, and the fabulous information that helped me to learn an enormous amount about what goes into writing a novel.

I knew very little about writing a novel before doing this course. I can't tell you how much the learning has helped me to understand so much more. Writing a novel has got technique, skill, craft, and so much more than just having an idea about a story. It is about entertainment, the reader, their experience and connection. I knew this as a reader but not as a writer.

Do the AWC courses - you can't go wrong. You will learn so much.

Tracy McAllery 2 months ago

Pamela's feedback was terrific and very clear in her suggestions.

I enjoyed actually writing something and reading the group's submissions. I didn't expect to work as hard as I did, but that's a good thing. I enjoyed having to think differently.

In the way I approach a possible story, I think more about the small details and where they may take a story.

It's worth it just for the great feedback.

Candace Turner 2 months ago

I found Margaret to be very positive and encouraging, but also constructive - which as a new writer made me feel like I can actually do this!

I really enjoyed workshopping with my fellow classmates and Margaret's feedback videos.

It's encouraged me to keep writing and reassured me that I can write a good story.

Sarah Webb 2 months ago

This particular course felt like a good way for me to shift my mindset. The price was attractive for that initial step and it has now opened my mind to not just moving into a different career path as a writer, but given me practical steps to do so while still supporting my family.

I was able to complete the course in my own time and whenever time allowed. I have now enrolled in your Copywriting Essentials as a practical way to continue on my path to reinvent myself.

I loved the quote you provided in the final lesson "feel the fear and do it anyway". Fear has been an enormous roadblock for me. I have felt like an imposter for so many years and this was excellent advice to finish on.

AWC offers good advice and a practical way to begin your writing career. At no time have I felt like an imposter and feel I now have the confidence to progress onto the next course and path in my journey.

Helen Jin 2 months ago

I enjoyed Pamela's very obvious love and experience of what she was presenting and that it was easy to follow. Also, the repetition of the important points - like little seeds throughout the workshop. The difference between flashbacks and memories... I had meshed them into one and the same.

If you want to be inspired to write just for you, or to publish, or out of interest, browse through the courses and take one that speaks to you.

Miranda Maher 2 months ago

Margaret was lovely and had heaps of experience in the publishing industry. All the talks were relevant and well thought out.

I enjoyed the group work and feedback as well as the professional tutor review.

Everything was great. I had a great time!

I have a clearer structure to work on my story and a better understanding of what I need to fix in my writing.

Take the plunge! You have fun along the way and learn more than you expect.

Athena Law 2 months ago

Margaret was lovely, and obviously very knowledgeable.

I enjoyed making some lovely writerly connections. Being exposed to a variety of different genres (that I wouldn't usually read) as well as writing styles. Receiving both Margaret and my classmate's timely feedback on my work in progress.

I now have the confidence to workshop my classmate's work, and the tools in my kit ready to move forward to Write Your Novel, and ideally - write my novel!

There is a course to suit nearly every writerly need, with fantastic course structure and wonderful tutors, as well as the opportunity to build your bookish community.

Mike Cullen 2 months ago

I think this is the third time I've done the course and I always gain more insights and pick up new tips.

The group this time around was fantastic. So many interesting stories and a variety of life experiences that made the group feel like we were all working together to get to the same place.

Pamela was great. She always had answers to any questions we had, and she had an eye for a plot hole like no one else.

Reading the other people's work was a highlight. I also liked getting to know everyone. The most enjoyable thing, though, was probably the increased confidence I got.

The feedback and insights have made me more confident about my writing ability. I know when I hit on the right idea, it will all be able to be worked out.

I've recommended the AWC to several people over the years. I told them if they're serious about writing well they may as well learn from the best.

Thanks for having me back. It was a blast.

Brianna Gough 2 months ago

Thoroughly enjoyed the materials, handouts and exercises. They were provocative and great for building skills and understanding the purpose for scenes to exist. The homework, whilst challenging, helped me really start to develop scenes in my head for my story.

Petronella was wonderful. Always supportive of our work.

It's the best thing I've done to develop my writing skills and tools to write a good novel. I feel like I'm now equipped with the tools to start my first draft!

Nandika 2 months ago

I really enjoy writing and this course seemed perfect for me to improve my writing skills.

I enjoyed the in-depth audios and exercises.

I am now a better and more confident writer and I believe I can be a published author someday.

It's an amazing course and you should definitely join it.

Sara 2 months ago

The tutor was encouraging and made relevant suggestions regarding repetitions in the writing, the use of POV and ways to improve it. She also pointed out what worked well, which was a nice validation.

I enjoyed the extra writing exercises, the range of the weekly written posts, and encouragement.

It impacted my understanding of pacing and building up tension, as well as allowing time/space to examine settings and emotions. I also found that the feedback sessions provided an incentive to present my work and the curiosity about others' stories.

The prompts got me inspired and my insight was that each one has the potential to generate a moving scene.

I found the course informative, thorough, and dense enough to fill at least a year (or a lifetime) with putting the how and what into practice. And that's okay since I can revise and integrate the course's info in my own time while writing my bit, or my masterpiece.

Thanks for your encouragement that something is bound to happen as long as we get our act together and write.

Heidi Couvee 2 months ago

I loved Katrina's snippets and the way she and Valerie complimented each other as presenters. Both very clever and inspiring women who are very generous with their knowledge.

It's inspired me to get writing - not travel yet but I have been entering short story competitions.

Useful information and resources, and engaging content.

Mary dos Santos 2 months ago

AWC courses are always of a high standard. Creative Writing Stage 1 was not only informative, it provided practical exercises and useful teaching across a variety of pertinent topics for beginner writers.

Excellent timely feedback and good advice.

It has added to my knowledge and given me greater impetus to write. Thank you!

The AWC is a highly professional organisation devoted to the real needs of writers everywhere and in all fields. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Just give it a try.

Diana 2 months ago

I enjoyed Michelle's passion for helping us understand how to either build our own websites or what to look for when hiring someone to do it for us.

I am now confident on how to do what I need to do or that I can contact her if I need further assistance.

It is really easy to understand, good examples, short videos, so helpful and Michelle is really easy to listen to--and very encouraging!

Renee Mangan 2 months ago

It was exactly what my manuscript and I needed!

I enjoy Pamela's forthrightness. Her honesty. Her curiosity. Her knowledge (seemingly endless!) and the interest she took in everyone's story, including mine.

Understanding structure and full scenes after the modules in this course has been a game changer. I will approach my next manuscript in a wildly different way!

Do it. It's an investment for yourself that you won't regret.

Carolyn Bourke 2 months ago

Pamela is amazingly knowledgeable in a huge range of subject areas as well as writing. The feedback was always based in Pamela's extensive experience and has been extremely helpful.

The other students were very supportive and encouraging. I enjoyed finding my people - others who are as interested in getting a good story written as I am.

I finished my first and second drafts and have a really good idea of what needs to happen in the third draft.

I learnt that I can actually write something that other people enjoy reading. It's hard to know until someone actually reads it...

If you are serious about learning to write better, willing to listen to feedback and want to hang out with some very interesting people - this is your course.

Mark austin 2 months ago

As an industry outsider, it was a good insight into a different workplace.

The tutor was excellent, encouraging and knowledgeable. I enjoyed the simplicity of the resources combined with clear examples.

I now have some knowledge of how to make online resources more appealing to students.

Georgia Cox 2 months ago

Our tutor was excellent! She provided some great feedback. I loved the assignments and the feedback we got. I also loved the extra exercises each week to develop our skills further.

I am now more motivated and I feel like I can actually write.

It is a great course to dip your toes in to writing and to see if you like writing.

Dominic 2 months ago

The materials provided through the course did offer genuine value beyond what I had from a full bachelor's degree in creative writing.

I liked Pamela's attitude and approach right from the start. Throughout the course, she spoke to us like peers - there was no difference in talent between any of us, the only thing that set her apart was her experience.

I enjoyed discovering more about my writing habits - I'd never really committed to an extended project like this before, so I hadn't had the opportunity to find out what kinds of writing work for me. This course provided the opportunity to experiment, with guidance and suggestions for techniques I might want to try.

I think my manuscript would still be a handful of notes buried in an old hard drive if I hadn't taken a leap of faith and started this course. Now, whenever I get that little voice in my head saying, "you're not REALLY a writer", I can remind it that I'm 100,000 words closer to creating an actual book and have the tools I need to take it the rest of the way.

The information is valuable, the structure is practical, the explanations are clear, and the people are delightful. Two character-specific notes I received fundamentally changed the shape and direction of my novel, probably saving me two whole drafts of work.

Helena Zafiris 2 months ago

I loved the feedback. It was very thorough and it seemed like Jo really took the time to provide valuable insights and actionable suggestions.

I loved the lessons as I was able to listen in my own time.

I am going to continue on my learning journey and I'm a little more confident now.

The AWC has a great variety of courses that are manageable. You can choose to invest small amounts instead of outlaying for a big course that you're not certain you will like.


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